Hands on hatching and help

I had a young silkie about a month or so ago that had a hurt leg. I'm not sure exactly what happened either but he could not put much of any weight on it the first 3-4 days, and when he held it up it appeared the toes curled but when I put my hand under his foot he could stretch out his toes and wrap them around my finger, so it told me he was just holding it that way.  There was no inflamation, no open wound, no disfigurement and he was mobile enough to get to the feed/water and was pooping just fine. I decided to give him time, I did strengthen and massage the tendons a couple times a day as I read about in my research. After about day 4 he started putting more and more weight on it and with in the week he was almost back to walking normal. By probably about a week and a half to two he was walking normal and made a full recovery. He's my first crower out of the group and he's (so far) acting as the dominant bird and likes to attack toes when you walk in the run....lol

Have you checked for bumble foot? That would be my first inspection. If not bumble foot, feel the leg for excess heat, or swelling and the joints for dislocation. I did ALOT of reading trying to figure out what was wrong with my boy and was amazed at how many instances there was that were similiar to mine and the differences in recovery rates. But the majority of cases I read, they recovered well, but some took 3-4 weeks while others were fine after a week or two.  Only the person taking care of the bird can register the severity and thus the decision to attempt to let it heal or to cull.  

What is Bumble Foot? Thanks For The Info.

My Ayam girls have finally started laying!!!!! Got my first 2 eggs today!

You have no idea how excited I am right now!!!!

Excellent! You'll be firing that bator up in no time, huh!

I got my call duck eggs from Ravyn yesterday! Deciding when to set them, debating what day hatching will be better for me. Likely start them tonight!
Already? :D

Ruby, I'm getting sister/brother call duck eggs to some of your babies tomorrow! Ravyn and I are meeting and she's bringing me eggs :ya (and some pretty oegb pullets!)

You're going to have Mavis's brother or sister!! :celebrate that's so awesome. What is really awesome is that the eggs will not be shipped! I think that is so great that you & Ravyn get to meet....I'm super jealous! ;)

I've been hatching a lot of shipped eggs this summer to try to get the breeds i want and have had mixed results. I did well with two batches of Bantams and some guineas but have not managed to get any LF to hatch... Then again both shipments did not arrive in good condition. I'm pretty good with assisting but still... The air cells on 3 are saddle shaped but otherwise all look okay. I've had good hatches laying down, though the saddle shape throws me off for positioning.

I think the saddles can throw off the chicks with positioning too. I don't normally get malpos with my own eggs but I always do with shipped eggs. I'm keeping my :fl for your hatch!

According to the post I was given, yes, you'd need an appropriet sized container and more fluid of course. I can't imagine trying it with an adult bird though. I think I'd have to find someone to do the job for me that would do it the "quick" way. Depends on the chicken I guess.  Yes I'm 100% sure they are all chicken. If he still plans on me doing the guineas for him I would assume that he would bring them down when they come to get the chicks, so this next week sometime. Oh crap...I gotta go and get a small bag of starter crumbles tomorrow. I don't have any and he didn't bring me any. I'm charging him too!!! lol


Yeah, I think it would be much better easier doing that cull method with chicks vs adults. I bring my adults that need to be culled to my grandfather but he's not going to be around forever so I need a back up planforthe future. It's exciting you'll get to hatch guineas. I love getting to hatch something new!

Thanks me too. :)

Hey does anyone know can I give this baby save a chick probiotics in its water while I'm giving it nutridrench? @RubyNala97

Yes, you definitely can.

Lockdown last night. Recandled as I put them back in after filling water wells and sponges and there was one that didn't look right so I marked it and set it to the side in the bator. Got up this morning at 7 and there were 2 externally pipped so I candled to see how many were internally pipped. The one I questioned last night was done.  I now have 8 external pips.  I have found that the earlier they pip it seems the longer it takes to go from pip to zip, so I'm not expecting anything until tonight. There are a couple that don't even look drawn down and they are the couple that had the smaller air cells, so I don't know. Out of the 14 in there, I'm thinking maybe 12 will successfully hatch. I did take out the one that quit during the night and opened it up. The yolk sac was bad. Infected looking, so I'm thinking bacteria death. Luckily it was DIS and wasn't hatched with Omephalitis. Pretty bird though. Very white with a thin black mark down the back.

I asked my nephew if he still planned on brining guinea eggs for me to hatch, he said yes, but it would probably be a couple weeks, so we'll see.

I had up my quotes from last night that I didn't get to respond too. So I have not checked the thread since then. I'm hoping to find an update on the hatch after I submit this. :)

("I found him/her Wednesday afternoon/evening, he/she was laying down, not moving, I thought, oh no Dead, so I went in clicking my tongue, and he/she got up, but is limping, one of the feet is curled, I don't know what happened, I had just got home from a job, can anyone help?")

("Do I Need To Splint It? I Don't Want To Cull as this is the last Chick I have, the others were tooken by a 'coon. What should I do for his/her leg?")

("I May Have To Cull, As I Came Home Today I Went To Check On Him/Her and it had fell out of the coop and got attacked, Scalped, And Under The Wing Was Bleeding.")

I Posted All These In The Emergency Section, On Three Different Days On My Thread, No One Has Commented. It's Under Something's Wrong With My 3 Month Old Chick. Can Any Help? I Don't Want To Cull Him/Her.

Do you have blu kote? I would apply that to the wounds. And of course, isolate.
What is Bumble Foot? Thanks For The Info.

You're going to have Mavis's brother or sister!!
that's so awesome. What is really awesome is that the eggs will not be shipped! I think that is so great that you & Ravyn get to meet....I'm super jealous!

I think the saddles can throw off the chicks with positioning too. I don't normally get malpos with my own eggs but I always do with shipped eggs. I'm keeping my
for your hatch!
Yeah, I think it would be much better easier doing that cull method with chicks vs adults. I bring my adults that need to be culled to my grandfather but he's not going to be around forever so I need a back up planforthe future. It's exciting you'll get to hatch guineas. I love getting to hatch something new!
Yes, you definitely can.
I had up my quotes from last night that I didn't get to respond too. So I have not checked the thread since then. I'm hoping to find an update on the hatch after I submit this.

Do you have blu kote? I would apply that to the wounds. And of course, isolate.
12 out and 2 left, but I am only counting on one more to hatch. The other is still alive, but not doing anything.

well outta 2 broody blue swedish ducks we weren't sure when they started sitting had 10 hatch so far and 4 more eggs under them still

we had 5 rebels that didn't wanna be in the nest with momma and the other babies, we lost 3 of those they actually made it into the kiddie pool while we were gone and drowned as moms wouldn't get off the eggs to save them, they are first time hatching

had to help 1 out last night that pipped enough to let us know it was a mal positioned, had a navel bleed, used flour as that's what we had on hand and glad to report he is tired but doing well 24 hours later
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well outta 2 broody blue swedish ducks we weren't sure when they started sitting had 10 hatch so far and 4 more eggs under them still we had 5 rebels that didn't wanna be in the nest with momma and the other babies, we lost 3 of those they actually made it into the kiddie pool while we were gone and drowned as moms wouldn't get off the eggs to save them, they are first time hatching had to help 1 out last night that pipped enough to let us know it was a mal positioned, had a navel bleed, used flour as that's what we had on hand and glad to report he is tired but doing well 24 hours later
They are cute. Congrats.

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