Hands on hatching and help

Like his joint hasnt unbent but if after a day or two its still the same I'll look into it more and see what he needs

Are you giving them any save a chick vitamins and electrolytes in their water? That should help. I've had some like that before. It usually corrects itself after a day or two of the save a chick. You can also use nutridrench if that's more available to you. I keep both on hand. :)
How do I help a pip at the wrong end if I need to ??
Like others said, it may just take him a day to get his feet under him properly... NutriDrench is great to give any ducklings or chicks for a great boost to start out with... :)
Yea his legs are better :) he still the only one that hatched but two other eggs are pipping right now
this is him, he is so clingy its cute

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