Happy about Hatch*Updated with Pictures*


14 Years
May 29, 2008
Sauk Rapids, MN
I placed my 18 Mille Fleurs in the hatcher 3 days ago. Was really worried about this hatch, cause when I candled them at 18 days, some had odd air sacks. so I placed them in the hatcher and hoped for the best. So far today, I have 6 that hatched and from what my daughter reported the rest are pipping. I was hoping to get a couple out of this hatch, but from the looks of it, it will be a good hatch! This has so made my day. I will have to post some pictures of the new little ones as soon as I get home from work.
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Sorry I did't get pictures posted yesterday, but I got a call from a lady that had peacocks for sale and I ended up at her farm for most of the night.

I miss counted on the eggs that I put in the incubator (which is not hard for me to do

I set 22 eggs, 19 Mille Fleur eggs and 3 unknown eggs that she sent with Mille Fleur eggs.
Ended up with 13 Mille Fleurs, 3 unknowns. One pipped, but didn't make it out of the shell and 5 didn't do nothing. So I would say that was a good hatch!! Still waiting on the last mutt egg to hatch, hopefully tonight. Then we get to start on the 2nd batch-12 Jersey Giants will be going into a hatcher tonight.
And we still have Blue Laced Andalusian, wild turkey eggs and 2 peafowl eggs to go.

Here is a few pictures of the little guys.



Makes me wish I had an incubator... but I don't have room for the hens I have right now... so maybe in two or three years. Oh how I wish I still lived on the farm of my youth.

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