Happy Hens


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
Hawkins, Texas
Thought this was neat so I would share it. A few months back we got a rooster. He was a great protector, but VERY human aggressive. After a few months, I had my fill and he took a trip to Stewville. Population 1. Yesterday we got a nee rooster. He is an Isbar. Very pretty. 2 years old. Not human aggressive. When we got home, I figured I would try something a little unorthodox. I gathered the hens around and just let him out. Not introduction or anything. I had my net near by in case I made the wrong decision. Boy, it was awesome. All the hens except one was ecstatic that there was a new Roo in town. They all gathered around him, and I swear they all bowed to him and he hoped up on a nearby stump, crowed, jumped down and went to eating with them. It was awesome to see them get along so well from the get go. Not a single fight. It looks like it was meant to be! Thanks for reading my corny little rant LOL! I love chickens more and more each day!

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