Hard-boiled-asdlkfjalksdjal eggs?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
East Haven, Vt
We are new farmers. Having our first flock and lots of nice eggs. We love egg salad but peeling the eggs is a nightmare. You lose a lot of egg trying to get the shell off. Is it because they are fresher than eggs from the store? So what do we do? Judy
LOL, change the battery in your cordless keyboard first! That's the alphabet soup in your title.

I let the ones I want to boil sit for a week or two, others have different methods.
I don't often HB eggs, but when I do I add a lot of salt to the water. Like a handful. Seems to help with peeling.

I just crack mine in half and scoop out with a spoon. I too usually use older eggs (2 weeks +) but nothing I have tried helps the adhesiveness of the membrane and shell.
I have been trying to figure this out as well, my family eats a lot of hard boiled eggs and I have been looking for a solution to the peeling issue
I have found suggestions such as using Eggies ~ www.geteggiestv.com
And someone posted a different way to hard boil them found at this link~ http://www.recipesource.com/main-dishes/eggs/01/rec0137.html
havent tried any of these yet, still looking for an easier way....
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I used to have that problem too. I'd even let the eggs age for 6 weeks and I'd still have a really tough time peeling them. Finally tried salt, per recommendation of BYC. They peel BEAUTIFULLY!!!

But I've found not to be shy with the salt or else it will affect the results. Use a minimum of 1/4 cup for up to 12 eggs, 1/2 cup for 2 dozen eggs, and 3/4 cup for 3-4 dozen eggs. Add the salt while the water is still cold, right after you've added the eggs.
I put water in the pot and add salt. Once the water boils, I lower the eggs into the water with a spoon and let them boil. I take them out, run cool water on them and then I peel them. Perfect peel every time.
Once they are done, they immediately go into an ice water bath. BUT I leave the water they were boiling in still boiling. As I pluck eggs out of the ice water, I dip them in the boiling water again for ten seconds. This seems to separate the shell from the white, and it peels like a dream.

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