hard-boiled fresh duck eggs, question about peeling?


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
When I hardboil my chicken eggs, I try and let them age for awhile, then put salt in the boiling water, then submerge them in ice water to cool them faster. This seems to help with peeling...

anyone know if duck eggs, hardboiled, peel any easier than chickens? The shell is a lot harder so i thought they might....how do hard boiled duck eggs taste?

Was going to hardboil a dozen and see how they turned out but wanted some feedback first...
Mmmmmm, I love HB duck eggs. They make wonderful deviled eggs or egg salad for sandwiches. I find them easier to peel, but like chicken eggs .... the fresher ones are more difficult. I steam mine in the electric veggie steamer. Works great.

Drat.... now I want duck eggs and Im 3000 miles away from my ducks!!

I usually just turn it on for 20 minutes for the duck eggs. They might be done sooner.... Ive never bothered to check.


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