Hard growth on chicken face

Did you cull the cockerel? If you did, did you cut that open to see what was inside?

Photos of the current hen with swelling and what the inside of her beak looks like would be good too.

Swelling can be from so many things (insect bite or wound to disease) it's hard to know sometimes unless there are other symptoms. If you happen to lose your hen it would be a good idea to send her for necropsy/testing.

Yes he was culled but not by me so i never got a chance to see what was inside however I did make a few incisions on the hens growth and I saw no sign of infection just very hard growth it felt like I was scraping bone with the knife and Nothing came out other than blood.

No other symptoms but the cockerel was limping heavily however it may not have been related as he could have just have had a sprain.

I will upload a picture of the hen whenever i can, the growth has grown bigger now so it should show up well on the picture.
I would be a bit concerned if the cockerel was limping as well as showing a tumour like growth. The two together would point towards Marek's Disease. It is a very common and widespread disease. If the hen's growth was also hard and bled, that would also suggest tumour as they usually have an increased blood flow whereas pus does not. It is surprising that it felt like bone though as tumour material is usually firm but not hard. Perhaps the swelling or tumour may have distorted the bone. If it is a tumour there is nothing that you can do about it and cutting into it may have stimulated it, so you may see a rapid growth or deterioration in her health over the next few weeks.
I would be a bit concerned if the cockerel was limping as well as showing a tumour like growth. The two together would point towards Marek's Disease. It is a very common and widespread disease. If the hen's growth was also hard and bled, that would also suggest tumour as they usually have an increased blood flow whereas pus does not. It is surprising that it felt like bone though as tumour material is usually firm but not hard. Perhaps the swelling or tumour may have distorted the bone. If it is a tumour there is nothing that you can do about it and cutting into it may have stimulated it, so you may see a rapid growth or deterioration in her health over the next few weeks.

I can't imagine how mareks would have infected my chickens as i haven't added any new birds in a long time and they are isolated from other birds/animals. He had the issues for a long time and whilst mareks does have a long incubation time it still would have showed in my other birds that were closer to him by now. There wasn't an increase in blood on the growth but some clean blood did come out of it, no pus though.

Here's some close up pictures of the bump, i removed what i thought was dried food or dirt but it turned out to be a scab, probably from when i cut in to the growth a few weeks ago hence the bleeding
Well i ended up culling her. I figured if no one knows what it is then no one would know how to possibly treat it so no point in keeping her alive and letting the growth grow larger.

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