Hard pasty butt!

Hello everyone, thanks for your great replies! I’ll probably soak her butt today with epsom salt so hopefully that will loosen it off better. Yesterday I did try to cut a bit off, I was able to get some, but I didn’t want to get too much for fear of accidentally cutting her. Afterwards I did put Vaseline on too...

Fingers crossed I’ll be able to get it all off today! She puts up with it well, mostly slept, lol!
I don't mean to hijack your post, I have a chick with pasty butt as well, I feel like I'm being as gentle as possible but it seems to be pulling out some fluff/feathers still.. Is that normal?
you will diffidently want to get the poop off as soon as possible or it could cause your chicken to parish... learned this the hard way :(
I just used a q-tip, warm water, and patience. Worked the poop off a little at a time, and it all came loose, without pulling any fluff out. I didn't have Vaseline, but a little dab of Bag Balm worked really well once the poop was off. After that, I just went through and Balmed all the butts, just to be sure I wouldn't have any more trouble.

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