Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

:woot Spoke to vet and he’s pleased with how Keeper is doing so we can pick him up at 5.30 today! They moved him on to oral pain killers this morning so as long as he does ok on them we can pick him up. Can’t wait to get him home!

Excellent news! Those hours will certainly drag on though. Though now it's any minute. :D

Those hours will feel like days! :lol: Bit of a shock as I was expecting Thursday/Friday. From Monday to today has felt like forever!

That's good though! Means he's healing/progressing well, right?

Yes, I was surprised too, I remember you saying Thursday or Friday. Fabulous now! These next 4 hours are going to drag on like no other time has!!! :D I can't WAIT for you to bring him home. He will probably have that shocked look on his face like, "There you are, I thought you left me forever!!" :lol:

Gator gets that when he comes home from the kennel lol
Good news he's coming home!

The vet said they would probably stay in unless they start causing any issues. He said that they would be assessed over the next 12 weeks with follow up appointments and further X-ray images.
and more fees... :oops:
It will be worth it to give him a long life with a sound leg. Long time ago I had a young dog break her leg badly, and the vet I worked with was not very good, but being youngish, I didn't realize. Lucy's leg healed crooked and she had a bit of nerve damage from a hard cast left on too long while she was still growing. :( Young me just went along with what that vet said. Older and wiser me would have tried to get him shut down! Fortunately, Lucy lived a good long life despite the twisted leg. Keeper is lucky to be treated by people who know what they are doing. :)
Keeper is home! :ya
Settled in his cage right now but he’s not overly impressed! He’s only allowed to come out on his lead and the blue rubber ring is really annoying him!


So pleased to have him home with us again even though we have a long road ahead of us.
Thank you everyone for all your kind words :hugs
Keeper is home! :ya
Settled in his cage right now but he’s not overly impressed! He’s only allowed to come out on his lead and the blue rubber ring is really annoying him!
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So pleased to have him home with us again even though we have a long road ahead of us.
Thank you everyone for all your kind words :hugs

Awww...poor Keeper! But at least he is home now. :wee Lollie had to wear a cone after his neutering. He hated that thing. We took it off when we were cuddling or hanging out with him, watching he didn't chew on himself.

I do hope Keeper begins to recover soon! Thanks for sharing his journey here with us Kim! :hugs
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Blue ring does look annoying, buy hey, at least he can't drown, right?

In our British climate that has to be an advantage!!

@Yorkshire Coop
Did they say anything about physio? I was wondering if you filled the bath really full, whether short swimming sessions might be beneficial.... albeit somewhat messy to clean up after :oops: Obviously not straight away, but maybe in a week or so. My sister took her horse to an equine spa where they had a "swimming lane" for them and solarium. It wasn't expensive. I wonder if there are similar facilities for canines?

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