Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Pleased to report it went great a the vets! :clap Our vet is very happy with how he’s doing and was quite shocked at how much he’s using the leg. He was expecting him to be hobbling a bit more than he is so we seem to be on track.

He certainly is feeling much better Leyla :) He had lost his shiny coat but that’s just started to come back. Overall he’s much better in himself, just raring to get going like a puppy again!
Thank you :) Can’t wait for next Monday now to get those stitches out! I’m sure he will feel even better when those and his rubber ring have gone :pop
He was a good boy today (shocked me) in the foot well of the car on the way to the vets. This is how Charlie sits with him though when they head out shooting so the poor lad maybe thought he was going for some pigeon’s rather than to the vets again!
Pleased to report it went great a the vets! :clap Our vet is very happy with how he’s doing and was quite shocked at how much he’s using the leg. He was expecting him to be hobbling a bit more than he is so we seem to be on track.

He certainly is feeling much better Leyla :) He had lost his shiny coat but that’s just started to come back. Overall he’s much better in himself, just raring to get going like a puppy again!

Terrific news Kim! :yesss:
Thank you :) Can’t wait for next Monday now to get those stitches out! I’m sure he will feel even better when those and his rubber ring have gone :pop
He was a good boy today (shocked me) in the foot well of the car on the way to the vets. This is how Charlie sits with him though when they head out shooting so the poor lad maybe thought he was going for some pigeon’s rather than to the vets again!
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What a beautiful face :love
That is fabulous news Kim!! I am happy he is healing so fast!

When can his flotation device come off, Monday? :) I am sure he can't wait to be romping the fields soon.

And what a face he has!! :)
What a beautiful face :love

That’s his lure you in face :lol:

That is fabulous news Kim!! I am happy he is healing so fast!

When can his flotation device come off, Monday? :) I am sure he can't wait to be romping the fields soon.

And what a face he has!! :)

Yes fingers crossed Monday for the float to come off. When the stitches are removed it should be able to go!

Hey Kim, how's Keeper doing? (And Harry too of course)

Yes we need to know!!! :D

He’s doing good in himself thank you both :hugs Extremely frustrated though at being in his cage :barnie He’s doing quite a bit of crying/barking when in there because he knows if he starts creating one of us will get him out. I’m afraid today though he just had to take it as I was snowed under in the office. His paddy eventually stopped when he realised I wasn’t going to get him out.
We had some snow yesterday and he was trying to pile it up on the grass and was rather giddy but could not play because he was on the lead. Poor lad!

Harry is doing ok :) He had to stay in today as it was treacherous under foot with the ice. Some of the snow had slightly melted but then it froze overnight so everywhere was like an ice rink :( No way could we risk taking them down the field. He wasn’t happy but it was the safer option.

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