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Oh no Kim! You soooo do not deserve a set back like that! I can't imagine how kicked in the teeth you must be feeling after all the hard work and attention you put into his recuperation! What bad luck!
Will be waiting with baited breath until we hear an update and please, please make it a positive one! :hugs:fl:hugs:fl

Thank you :hugs Do you know Barbara that’s just how we all feel, kicked in the teeth. It’s like everything has come crashing down. I’m hoping it’s going to positive when we speak to the vet :fl
Quick pop in with an update on Keeper :(

Unfortunately he’s back in the vets as the screw in his leg is working it’s way out. Vet says it’s due to his still growing/soft bones. It does not look totally out but is unscrewing itself. His crazy behaviour is not helping at all either. Another op today to try and get it back in but if not the vet is going to have to do something different.

I’m seriously :hit after all the hard work of trying to keep him quiet, the worry etc to be back at square one again :he

Aww no! So sorry to hear that. :(
arrgh... Sorry for more puppy problems. If not sedatives, maybe keeping a bulky soft cast on longer to keep him from doing too much too soon with his leg... like a kid in a snowsuit? This little guy isn't going anywhere! :D

Hoping for good news soon.
Hang in there, Kim. :hugs
arrgh... Sorry for more puppy problems. If not sedatives, maybe keeping a bulky soft cast on longer to keep him from doing too much too soon with his leg... like a kid in a snowsuit? This little guy isn't going anywhere! :D

Hoping for good news soon.
Hang in there, Kim. :hugs

What a cutie!
We are back from the vets and he’s settled in sleeping at the moment as he’s still a tad groggy. He has his buoyancy aid back on as he has stitches again. The original screw had to come out as it would not bite in to the bone and was still loose. He has used a slightly bigger one now but it goes through right to the other side so he had to make an incision on the inside of his leg and snip the end off. Fingers crossed this one holds ok or at least long enough for the bone to heal :fl

Maybe Keeper needs to be on mild sedatives to keep him calm? Not long term or anything too heavy so that he's totally out of it, but just enough to make him a bit sleepy. Less inclined to bounce around.

Keep us posted Kim. :hugs

We tried the ACP Leyla but it only lasted 3-4 hours. We are now going to try having him out longer whilst he’s on the lead in the house. Hoping this will stop him being wild when he does come out of the cage. I have also looked at one of those plug in devices that are meant to calm them down ~ https://www.adaptil.com/uk/ Not sure if it will work but right now I’m willing to give anything a try!

Yes, his breed and age does not exactly lend itself to calm and quiet recuperation, does it! It might be worth discussing with the vet a longer term low level sedative.... not sure if the ACP can be used on a daily basis like that or if it is more of a "one off when needed" type drug.

This is where our problem lies, his age and breed! Orthopaedic vets says he does not want him on sedatives but to keep him entertained more :hmm It’s hard work thiughwhen he leaping around on the lead like a spring lamb!

Kim, so sorry you're going through this. :hugs hope the new screw works. :fl

Aww no! So sorry to hear that. :(

Thank you both :hugs

arrgh... Sorry for more puppy problems. If not sedatives, maybe keeping a bulky soft cast on longer to keep him from doing too much too soon with his leg... like a kid in a snowsuit? This little guy isn't going anywhere! :D

Hoping for good news soon.
Hang in there, Kim. :hugs

I really wish that was an option with the snowsuit!

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