Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

My younger son and I were in Colorado last week, looking at colleges and visiting a good friend who recently moved there. She took us horseback riding!

My friend in purple, her son in blue and our guide in front.
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My son bringing up the rear. His horse and mine did not like each other, so kept their distance.
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It was an hour and a half ride over hill and dale, rocks and roots, around trees, and horses up to their bellies walking in a stream.
We didn't see any snakes, but saw deer, chipmunks and a mama moose with her calf! Exciting to see a moose, even though they were partially hidden in the brush.

Looks like you had a great time! :)
I know it seems to have flown by!

Keeper says “Thank you” I’m sure the years are going faster the older I get! :lol: :old

Thanks Wishing :) he sure likes his pic taken!

It really has!

My younger son and I were in Colorado last week, looking at colleges and visiting a good friend who recently moved there. She took us horseback riding!

My friend in purple, her son in blue and our guide in front.
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My son bringing up the rear. His horse and mine did not like each other, so kept their distance.
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It was an hour and a half ride over hill and dale, rocks and roots, around trees, and horses up to their bellies walking in a stream.
We didn't see any snakes, but saw deer, chipmunks and a mama moose with her calf! Exciting to see a moose, even though they were partially hidden in the brush.

Wow that's awesome!! Looks fun. Kind of stinks they didn't use horses that liked each other though
Looks like you had a great time! :)
Thank you, we did! Roosevelt National Forest... was very pretty.

Wow that's awesome!! Looks fun. Kind of stinks they didn't use horses that liked each other though
Being novice riders, my son and I got the plodders, so they were happy plodding. After the moose sighting, my friend took up the rear so she could stop to take pictures. My horse then picked up the pace because she no longer had a horse she disliked in front of her, and my son's horse got going because he didn't like who was behind him! We bred and raised Thoroughbreds when I was a kid, and I don't remember any of them being so sensitive! :D
Thank you, we did! Roosevelt National Forest... was very pretty.

Being novice riders, my son and I got the plodders, so they were happy plodding. After the moose sighting, my friend took up the rear so she could stop to take pictures. My horse then picked up the pace because she no longer had a horse she disliked in front of her, and my son's horse got going because he didn't like who was behind him! We bred and raised Thoroughbreds when I was a kid, and I don't remember any of them being so sensitive! :D

LOL that's hysterical! But hopefully you were safe and under control?
LOL that's hysterical! But hopefully you were safe and under control?
Yes, they were actually pretty good. My horse only had a problem if you wanted her to do something like going off the trail or stop while the others were still moving. Then she would try to jerk the reins away from me, the pill. Otherwise she was pretty responsive and liked a light touch... as long as her nose was pointing down the trail.:rolleyes:
Yes, they were actually pretty good. My horse only had a problem if you wanted her to do something like going off the trail or stop while the others were still moving. Then she would try to jerk the reins away from me, the pill. Otherwise she was pretty responsive and liked a light touch... as long as her nose was pointing down the trail.:rolleyes:

That's good! And wow, naughty horse lol i think a lot of trail horses are like that because they usually have inexperienced people on them and know what they can get away with. Lesson horses too. The naughty things lol
That's good! And wow, naughty horse lol i think a lot of trail horses are like that because they usually have inexperienced people on them and know what they can get away with. Lesson horses too. The naughty things lol
Yes, the woman had gotten Sophie (my horse) as an adult with a few bad habits and she had been working with her quite a bit. Except for jerking the reins twice and grabbing a bite of grass, she was pretty good, but I don't think she was enjoying herself much. Never heard so much moaning and groaning in my life! Yes, the trails were a bit steep, and yes, I am not exactly a lightweight, but my goodness... If a horse could win an Oscar, she'd be a contender!
Yes, the woman had gotten Sophie (my horse) as an adult with a few bad habits and she had been working with her quite a bit. Except for jerking the reins twice and grabbing a bite of grass, she was pretty good, but I don't think she was enjoying herself much. Never heard so much moaning and groaning in my life! Yes, the trails were a bit steep, and yes, I am not exactly a lightweight, but my goodness... If a horse could win an Oscar, she'd be a contender!

:lau sounds like a real character!
It is funny how herd dynamics work. My mare is very forward going normally but my sister brought her horse over to ride out with me (her horse is actually another brother to my mare) and neither of them would go forward at all and we had an awful ride!
Never heard so much moaning and groaning in my life!
Yesterday my mare moaned and groaned a lot too when we went out which is unusual but it stopped after the first half a mile..... either that or I stopped hearing it :oops:! She was still very forward going though so I wasn't concerned.

I have to say Wishing, your horse looks like she is a gorgeous palomino. It is a shame we can't see more of her in the photo. You can forgive a lot when a horse looks pretty and a couple or pulls on the reins is nothing really. If that was the worst my horses did I would feel very blessed! We had a palomino when we were children but he never went such a beautiful deep golden colour as that and most of the time he was cream and mud coloured and shaggy!
I have to say Wishing, your horse looks like she is a gorgeous palomino. It is a shame we can't see more of her in the photo.
Ask, and ye shall receive!
There was a wide variety at the stable. The guide was good at matching temperament and size for our group.
It had rained the night before. Glad it wasn't too muddy.


My son rode Billy Bob, also known as the moving sofa.

Little "wild" pony roaming around too!


Sophie, who I now think of as Moaning Myrtle!


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