Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

But be on best behaivour out on a walk with Keeper. Two wet & smelly dogs! :sick

Then made the sofa damp!

No Kim, I definitely do not! We watched it live last night and I found it pretty stressful just viewing it! Wow, they have some bottle! That big grey was always looking good to win but I was sure that bay horse which came joint first was going to cause a major demolition at some point. All credit to that French guy for getting it clear because it was obviously not an easy horse to ride and control. I was a bit surprised that last years winner pulled out because they were doing so well but I'm sure she will have had her reasons. It was interesting to see that some of the bridles didn't have a throat lash and I was pleased to see the Italian rider just using a snaffle bridle with no restrictive tack like martingales and flash or grackle nose bands. That said he did seem to be struggling for control after the first couple of rounds!
Apparently Tally can now do house chores!! :gig Spit wash!

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But be on best behaivour out on a walk with Keeper. Two wet & smelly dogs! :sick
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Then made the sofa damp!
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Ahhh, dogs in their finest hours..doing the dishes and stinking up the sofa! :gig They sure are cute though! :love

Glad to hear you are all ready for Christmas, internet shopping sure makes Christmas a LOT easier now! I just got the presents wrapped yesterday, I am debating on whether or not to put them under the tree yet lest Lollie starts tearing into them early! :lau Judd too! :gig
Merry Christmas everyone!

A little late I’m afraid but I hope everyone had a lovely day! Busy busy here and only just getting back to normal.

Did you get out to watch any hunting today Barbara?

Belated Festive Greetings to you too Kim.

No I didn't go to the Meet. I always go back over to my sister's for Boxing Day and by the time I get GGs and chucks done and myself made presentable and the 3/4 hr journey over to Sunderland there just isn't time. It was further complicated by Ian's Range Rover suspension failing 2 days before Christmas, so he has had to share my Freelander for the past few days and I had to take him up to the farm yesterday morning and then got roped into helping with his horses before I got to do my own. Thankfully he was able to cadge a lift to the Meet and back. It was certainly a glorious day for it weather wise.

How are you doing for eggs? Delighted to report that in the past 5 days 2 of my 3 pullets have come into lay..... both Marans crosses and one of them is laying a really, really dark egg, even darker than my best full BCM. Still waiting for my Exchequer Leghorn pullet to start and she is 3 weeks older than the Marans. It has to happen any day though as her comb is large and red. One of Tasha's daughters has also started back up and a legbar cross farmyard mutt and Cruella (leghorn cross) who has been stoically providing the only eggs I've had for the past couple of months is still doing so, so I am getting 2-4 eggs a day. It was nice to be able to give a few people half a dozen fresh eggs for Christmas. Funny how they start back up the minute we hit the winter solstice! Hope you are starting to see an increase in production.
What did Santa bring you? Anything chicken or horse related?
Hi Barbara! Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday, especially if you had to look presentable! Same here on Saturday & Sunday as we actually went out and I had to find something decent to wear! Would have been much easier if I’d been able to go in my scruff. But as it’s Christmas I thought I best make the effort.
Ian suspension sounds like it could be an expensive job as it’s a Range Rover? Hope they didn’t have any trouble at the meet :fl Have read an awful lot about the sabs & protesters this year at Boxing Day meets :hmm

Eggs? Eggs? What are those :confused: Barring my tiny little Harlequin quail popping the odd one out absolutely nothing here. Even the £1 special’s Dolly, Jean & Twinkle are taking a break. I’m hoping now the solstice has taken place they start to pick up again as I’ve had to buy a dozen for over Christmas! Sounds good at yours though for eggs :)

Santa was kind again this year :D Some horsey clothes, jods, couple of shirts, Ariat gloves & socks. A gift card for the horsey shop which I’ve been to today to spend it at. Got an Ariat top and a Schockemohle gilet. Scott also got me a milking stool! :lol: When I’ve been coming in cold and especially wet I’ve been sitting in front of the fire trying to warm up. I just happened to say to Scott that we used to have a really old milking stool when we were kids for sitting in front of the fire with & that we used to fight over it! Bless his little socks he thought about it and found me one! It’s just the right height so now I can sit and warm up without being mauled by the dogs!

I also got a hangover! :sick Went out Sat, Sun had a few tins on xmas eve after all the cleaning then had far far too many on xmas day! I had 5 horses to do yesterday as I did Becky’s & kids as they did H xmas day for me so I could have the whole day off. I was a wreck yesterday & my body was saying enough! Got it all done in the end with naps in my chair in between!

Hope you had a nice day on Tuesday!

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