Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Hi Kim
So sorry to hear that you have caught "Man Flu" too. Hopefully you will just get the milder symptoms rather than the killer strain that affects most men! Hope you manage to shake it off soon and are back to feeling fit and healthy again soon.
Great to hear that you are going to try to do more with Harry. Same here with my lot. I keep thinking that they are getting older and what have I achieved! It's a shame we don't live closer so that we could motivate each other and get out together on them. Days are starting to get longer so that should help too. By the sound of it, you have a whole load of new riding gear that needs to be shown off and not just used to keep you warm whilst you are mucking out. I have some new socks but that is it, since we don't really do Christmas presents in here. I'm quite happy looking like a "scruff bag" as long as I am warm and my sister and my friend often send over their cast offs which are very happily accepted.
Anyway, I must head out there and catch up on my chores as I am behind already.

Hope you feel better soon

Barbara X
Hi Barbara! Great to see you back! Was getting worried there with you not being on for a few days ;)

Wow this “man flu” sure is a stinker :sick Long time since I felt this ropey with just a cold but I’ve not taken to my sick bed or the sofa with it like some! Full on attack with Lemsip max strength capsules, vicks vapour rub, one of those things you bung up your nose & Olbas oil on a hanky!

Yes I too wish we lived closer to spur each other with the riding & the fact it would be just nice to be nearer! There are three of us at the farm that have all promised each other to kick backsides in to gear with the riding! Starting tomorrow!

Keeping warm is a top priority though! Just like you socks are always welcome! I much prefer to be a scruff bag and it’s very rare I’m out of jods/jeans & the like. I’m sure the new Christmas items will soon be as scruffy as the rest. Which reminds me I really need to wash my most worn coat as the muck on it has now started to go shiny which is a good indicator that it can’t take anymore!

Hope you’re all caught up & the flags are flying readily very soon :fl

Kim xx
Keeper is so wicked! He knows she can’t reach him whilst he’s up there!
If she gets any closer to that fire she will be on it!
It is certainly a dog's life! When you stop to think about it, we have pretty much become slaves to our animals..... you work all hours of the day to buy them food and bedding and pay vets bills and clean up after them whilst they get to go out and have fun or lounge in front of the fire.
Do you know Barbara you are so right! :lol: I sometimes think the same could be said for Scott & Charlie! Although they pay for themselves at least Scott does I’m the one cleaning up after them. I often wonder what they would say if I turned round & asked them where are my clean PJ’s, T shirt, underwear or socks! Or are there any clean plates, forks or knives! Or when are you going shopping because the fridge & cupboard’s are bare! Or have you paid the gas bill, electric bill, the water & council tax! I tell you all of my “pets” have an easy life!
She was back there again this aft :cool:

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