Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Libby does the same thing when my brother and his fiancé go up to their cabin lol they say that Libby is always right next to the wood stove, as close as she could possibly get, and when they feel her fur, she’s got to be like 140 degrees, but she just lays there. She also gets cold easily and likes being warm lol huge baby. Meanwhile, Franklin, their other dog, gets as far away from the stove as possible, laying in the coolest part of the cabin he can find lol guess the cabin has a lot of warm and cool spots and Libby always find the warmest spot and Frank always finds the coolest spot LOL just different dogs I guess :lau

Frank also has a long, fluffy coat, like a Pyrenees or Aussie, and Libby has a short coat, probably in between a boxer and a lab, but still.
Libby does the same thing when my brother and his fiancé go up to their cabin lol they say that Libby is always right next to the wood stove, as close as she could possibly get, and when they feel her fur, she’s got to be like 140 degrees, but she just lays there. She also gets cold easily and likes being warm lol huge baby. Meanwhile, Franklin, their other dog, gets as far away from the stove as possible, laying in the coolest part of the cabin he can find lol guess the cabin has a lot of warm and cool spots and Libby always find the warmest spot and Frank always finds the coolest spot LOL just different dogs I guess :lau

Frank also has a long, fluffy coat, like a Pyrenees or Aussie, and Libby has a short coat, probably in between a boxer and a lab, but still.

Crazy are they not! Laying in front of roaring fire with big coats on their backs :lol:
I’m getting the first flag of the year out!

Unfortunately Harry was naughty! Had to go in the bigger school and he decided the bottom corner was ever so scary! Spooking at it and in general was a hyped up beast. Felt tense in his back & like a bomb ready to go off :rolleyes:
He is due his teeth doing & that’s booked for 29th this month. Tense back is bothering me though so I’m going to get on again tomorrow and see what he’s like. I’m hoping he was like he was today because it was a chilly wind, I’ve not ridden again for a while, he doesn’t like the big school. We shall see though and if he’s no better will get the back lady out to give him the once over.
Oh wow! Well done you! Hopefully it was just excited tension in his back. I know only too well that bomb ready to explode feeling, like sitting on rocket fuel that someone has ignited. I had my farriers yesterday.... sounds really posh having more than one! Rebel and Rascal have new shoes but I am keeping MeMe (and Cora) barefoot. My sister has loaned me a pair of Scoot Boots for MeMe which I am really impressed with. I have tried Old Mac Boots in the past which were OK but no traction at all on wet grass or mud and felt unsafe as a result. The boots are expensive and a fiddle to put on but it is almost certainly healthier for the hoof and they last quite a long time.... especially if you don't ride often enough like some of us. :rolleyes:
I had hoped to get out on my GGs yesterday but ended up running Ian around to get another part for his Range Rover.... News Flash.... it looks like it is fixed.... at least temporarily.... a hole in the exhaust was allowing hot gasses to leak onto the plastic pressurised suspension pipe and it got weak and ruptured. The suspension pipe had been repaired and shielded and a new exhaust section ordered. I also needed to replace my phone so I stopped in at the Vodafone shop whilst we were out and got that sorted. Don't you hate getting used to a new phone, even when the old one was frustratingly slow and on it's last legs and not working half the time.
Hopefully I will have a flag to fly tomorrow.
I may be going to see Mary Poppins tonight. Have you seen it?
I too am hoping just excited tension! Rather disappointing to say the least given he’s always been pretty good even after not being ridden for a while. We shall see what tomorrow brings...
I had farrier too on Monday and given he put the shoes back on it really kicked me into gear! I only have the one though! The scoot boots sound interesting, do they try to get them off when they first try them?

Good news on Ian’s car getting a repair! No more running around & more time for riding! I had mine in for test yesterday and thank goodness it passed with no problems. Will need some new back tyres in the near future but for now it’s ok.

I’ve been with iPhone a while now so even when you get a new one they are pretty much the same so not too bad here. What have gone for this time Barbara?

No I’ve not seen Mary Poppins, let me know what it’s like. Me & mum are hoping to go see “Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald” but trying to make sure we both can go at the same time is proving problematic as she works very odd shifts! Will be out on DVD before we get there I guess!

Oh PS ~ Charlie’s new girlfriend came round Sunday! We had to be on our best behaviour and he gave us the Scarborough warning :lol: The poor lass is ever so quiet & shy. Goodness knows how she ended up with Charlie as he’s quite the gob a lot! She seems ok though but it was hard work to get a conversation out of her! I’m hoping when she’s been round a few more times she might be less shy :fl
MeMe took to the Scoot Boots straight away ... no reaction at all... and she can be anxious with anything strange around her feet. They are very lightweight.... more like sandals than boots.... and they fit pretty snugly so there is no movement once they are on that might encourage them to wave it around and try to get it off. Traction was good on all surfaces and she genuinely seemed unaware she had them on.

I'm sure Charlie's new girlfriend will warm to you once she gets over her initial shyness. I know you think Charlie is chatty but perhaps with her Mam and Dad (if he has met them yet) he is probably also a bit quiet and unsure of what to say.
Will be keeping my fingers crossed that Harry is more relaxed tomorrow and look forward to seeing 2 flags in a row from you..... perhaps lunge him in that "scary corner" for a bit to get him settled before you get on.
I’m afraid we are not allowed to lunge in the big school. She spent a bomb on having it done so doesn’t want it getting hammered too much with lunging. If I can’t get in the little school think I will just take him in that corner for a walk in hand and see what he’s like. I avoided the little school today as the 2 horses that are next to it were charging round, standing on back legs & fighting with each other so I avoided it. Fingers crossed they will be in tomorrow & out the way but then again he can’t go around being a whimp in that corner!

The scoot boots sound great! I had visions of them maybe trying to walk around like a spider with legs high trying to get them off! I know Harry with even sports boots on sets off with the legs high until he realises they are not coming off! :lol:

Yes Charlie has been to her house a couple of times but when asked what her parents are like we just got an “ok” but then as you say he may have been quiet :duc Hopefully she will come out of her shell. But then I was thinking because he’d warned us to behave maybe we were a bit too quiet compared to what we are usually like. We have quite a relaxed house here with lots of jokes at each other and general daftness!
Much better effort today! Like a different horse this afternoon. Chilled & steady away with no ticking time bomb underneath me, phew! We went in little school as those horse’s were behaving that are next to it. Plus the big school was already in use. I’m still going to get the back lady to come and look at him though as he’s got a serious click in his hip & hock it seems. Had to get lady at the farm to follow me as I could not quite hear exactly where it was coming from. Yes he is arthritic but the click is bothering me non the less.... I’d rather be safe than sorry..
I’m a happy bunny again now today has gone well :bun

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