Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Hi Kim

All good here thanks but yes very cold!
I haven't had a chance to figure out the Freelander problem yet but tyre seems to be holding the air we put in it, so it's not something as simple as a puncture unfortunately. I actually haven't had it out since Sat as I'm trying to walk whenever possible.
Love that you got a tortoise and what a great set up for him. Malcolm seems like a bit of an odd choice of name though. Is there a story behind it or was he already named when you got him?
Nice hay stacks.....very neat and no doubt you will keep them that way. I've been letting my chickens free range in the yard and I need to put them on your yard facebook group or whatever it is so that they get the messages from you about keeping things tidy because no sooner do I get my muck heap tidied up than they scratch it all half way across the yard again. It is lovely to let them free range again but I forgot how much mess they generate and how time consuming egg hunting is. I have a few nesting spots that I have set up around the yard to satisfy their need to be sneaky and I see them settle into one of these spots and others queuing up to get in there and I hear the egg song coming from that location but when I go back 2 hrs later there are no hens or eggs there. Some go back to the official nest box to lay but I have a gut feeling that others have a secret stash somewhere and in these temperatures they will be frozen and spoiled by the time I find them. They are just giving me the run around at the moment though and will end up getting kept in again if they don't cooperate.
Afraid I still have not flown a flag this year yet. My sister came over today to help me secure my rubber mats which were starting to move and I was having to realign them every day which was taking it's toll on my back and knees. We decided to drill and bolt them down.
Most horses would take exception to someone drilling in their stable , especially with a masonry bit on hammer drill function but Rascal came over and just about had his nose on the drill, quite mesmerized by what we were doing. After a while and lots of kisses and nuzzles from him(he has a bit of an ear fetish which can be distracting when you are working), he realised that we were not going to give him the attention he craved so he backed into MeMe who was standing in the farthest corner of the stable minding her own business and threatened to kick her. I doubt he really would have done it but I couldn't risk it and he ignored a verbal telling off, so of course I had to leave my work and go and deal with him and he ended up getting the attention he was seeking after all. He is a funny lad.... he will share food and treats without batting an eyelid but when it comes to attention from his Mam he is very protective and will get really aggressive towards any of the others that try to muscle in on his "special time". Of course on this occasion, he wasn't getting attention so he decided to do something that would mean that he did. Rascal by name, rascal by nature!


Morning Barbara! I do admire your walking everywhere! Afraid I’m very lazy and do jump in the car even though really I could be walking. I did think about starting to bike to the yard but as it’s a 10-15 minutes drive in the car biking would take way too long. You know me I like to be going around like a headless chicken so biking & walking at a steady pace would interrupt my Kama. Fingers crossed it’s nothing too bad with the Freelander.

How did you get on with that ice yesterday? It was a rink here and I had to do some serious salting to get the horses down the field even then it was still a bit hairy in places, especially with H and his full set of shoes :hmm Taps frozen too which added even more time on. The field water took some breaking too, had to really hack at it to get it broken!

Where did the name Malcolm come from? Well he’s a marginated tortoise so I wanted to name him with something beginning with M. Can’t sex them for years so me & Scott were talking about boys & girls names. So Matilda got mentioned and then both of us at the same time said “Malcolm” so that was it and “Marginated Malcolm” was named.

I’m not sure I could cope with chickens down the farm making a mess! I have enough on keeping the other liveries in check. It is nice to see them out & about but gosh they are so destructive. Serious earth movers too! I know mine make a mess in the garden but I had to remedy that with some chicken net fencing to keep them where I want them!

How intelligent is Rascal! Very I say to get your full attention :lol: Would MeMe have had a go back had he had a kick at her?
Dogs do NOT like "their" mates having any relations with others! :lol: Lollie goes nuts when Judd and I even SIT next to each other. If we sit on the couch and hold hands, Lollie play bites and growls at Judd. :gig Lollie thinks I am his! :lau


Do you know Leyla, Keeper is just the same! Even me & Scott are not allowed to sit next to each other on the sofa! He’s not into the play biting but he does his absolute best to get in between us and he’s a heavy dog to try & fend off!
Poor Charlie got a bloody nose from Keeper last week when Keeper was trying to separate him from his girlfriend. Keeper spun his round & up and caught charlie in the beak, it literally just spewed blood out in an instant. But he’d got what he wanted and Charlie all to himself whilst he stopped the bleeding!
Not a snapper, thankfully.
Western pond turtle.

Ooh I thought it would be bigger than that Wishing! I was expecting something you would have to pick up with two hands. Not sure why I had that in my head... do you get giant turtles there?
Ouch! Poor Charlie! That must have been a fair smack. The nose is such a sensitive place to get knocked. Even when it is just a slight bop and doesn't bleed it still brings tears to the eyes.
It seems like Rascal and Keeper both know how to get attention one way or another!
No, MeMe would not reciprocate if Rascal kicked her. For some reason she has never been "mareish" which is surprising because her mother is a very dominant Alpha female. I do wonder if it is because she has grown up and lived solely with her older brothers that she has not been hormonal or dominant as you would expect a mare. She has always been Rascal's shadow which is a shame because he is the one that gets into bother and that means he often leads her astray. She doesn't like Rebel much and will pull faces at him but moves out of his way when he tells her. Cora just has to scowl or flick an ear and they all acquiesce, even though she is too stiff in the hips to kick anymore. It is good that she still commands respect from her children though. They all get fed in the same stable and she is always last to finish (because she gets a bit more) but none of them would ever try pushing into her bucket even though Rebel will finish first and push Rascal out of his bucket and Rascal moves along and pushes MeMe out of hers. Rebel looks longingly at Cora still eating but knows better than to try it on with her. It is so interesting to watch their interactions.
Thankfully I didn't have any problems with ice. I still haven't got the yard concreted so the rough surface does have some benefits especially when it is frozen or dry..... less so when it is wet and muddy. Also I don't have to lead the horses, I just open the gate from the yard to the field and they make their own way in and out. If they haven't been out for a while I have to watch for hooves flying as I open the gate because they get a bit excited, but it is easy enough to anticipate and prevent getting caught by one.... at least I have learnt over the years to anticipate and dodge them. ;)

I love how you came up with Malcolm's name and now you have explained it I can see how it works. Naming animals is funny.... to me Cora is not a name for an animal, nor is David or Nigel or Anthony, but Ben and Jack work well for horses or dogs and people.
Do you know Leyla, Keeper is just the same! Even me & Scott are not allowed to sit next to each other on the sofa! He’s not into the play biting but he does his absolute best to get in between us and he’s a heavy dog to try & fend off!
Poor Charlie got a bloody nose from Keeper last week when Keeper was trying to separate him from his girlfriend. Keeper spun his round & up and caught charlie in the beak, it literally just spewed blood out in an instant. But he’d got what he wanted and Charlie all to himself whilst he stopped the bleeding!

Yep, that is what Lollie does too! Tries to weasel himself in between us, squeezing down in there. :lol: Looking all innocent but saying, "break it up you two, there needs to be some space here!!" :gig Dogs are so sensitive!

Oh poor Charlie! :hugs Keeper is a big boy, I would imagine he could do some damage with his weight alone! Dogs sure love us, don't they!
Ouch! Poor Charlie! That must have been a fair smack. The nose is such a sensitive place to get knocked. Even when it is just a slight bop and doesn't bleed it still brings tears to the eyes.
It seems like Rascal and Keeper both know how to get attention one way or another!
No, MeMe would not reciprocate if Rascal kicked her. For some reason she has never been "mareish" which is surprising because her mother is a very dominant Alpha female. I do wonder if it is because she has grown up and lived solely with her older brothers that she has not been hormonal or dominant as you would expect a mare. She has always been Rascal's shadow which is a shame because he is the one that gets into bother and that means he often leads her astray. She doesn't like Rebel much and will pull faces at him but moves out of his way when he tells her. Cora just has to scowl or flick an ear and they all acquiesce, even though she is too stiff in the hips to kick anymore. It is good that she still commands respect from her children though. They all get fed in the same stable and she is always last to finish (because she gets a bit more) but none of them would ever try pushing into her bucket even though Rebel will finish first and push Rascal out of his bucket and Rascal moves along and pushes MeMe out of hers. Rebel looks longingly at Cora still eating but knows better than to try it on with her. It is so interesting to watch their interactions.
Thankfully I didn't have any problems with ice. I still haven't got the yard concreted so the rough surface does have some benefits especially when it is frozen or dry..... less so when it is wet and muddy. Also I don't have to lead the horses, I just open the gate from the yard to the field and they make their own way in and out. If they haven't been out for a while I have to watch for hooves flying as I open the gate because they get a bit excited, but it is easy enough to anticipate and prevent getting caught by one.... at least I have learnt over the years to anticipate and dodge them. ;)

I love how you came up with Malcolm's name and now you have explained it I can see how it works. Naming animals is funny.... to me Cora is not a name for an animal, nor is David or Nigel or Anthony, but Ben and Jack work well for horses or dogs and people.

Third time lucky here replying! Keep getting way laid!

Yes Keeper sure does know how to get the attention! Be it sucking up and loving to being a pest with shoes. He knows full well that if he picks a shoe up & carries he gets the attention.
Rascal is very lucky there that MeMe does not fight back. How brotherish of him to lead MeMe astray too!
Cora sounds a very similar mare to one we used to have at the farm. Crystal was the boss and that was it! Any ones that were naughty or a pest in the field with others got put out with her for a few lessons. She whipped no end in to shape with what was right & wrong regarding field etiquette. Social politics with equines sure is interesting. My most memorable one was when Harry & his previous field pal Barnie got in the field next door with a stallion, mare & foal. It happened during the night so not sure what happened at first but all was quiet for the next couple of days whilst the fence was fixed. The mare was in charge & the station was hanging out, grooming & play fighting with H and Barnie! Anything too boisterous & the mare was in there breaking it all up! One look & the boys were off! Was very lucky the stallion was quite a laid back traditional gypsy cob though! Not sure it would have been the same had it been the warmblood stallion they got in with!

Oh nearly forgot, sneaking another
for this afternoon. Had a quick hack out round the little block with another livery but as before it was more lively than anticipated! Don’t know why he’s got a bee in his bonnet about hacking out at the moment!
Yep, that is what Lollie does too! Tries to weasel himself in between us, squeezing down in there. :lol: Looking all innocent but saying, "break it up you two, there needs to be some space here!!" :gig Dogs are so sensitive!

Oh poor Charlie! :hugs Keeper is a big boy, I would imagine he could do some damage with his weight alone! Dogs sure love us, don't they!


Keeper sure does show his love in a funny way sometimes :lol: I really did feel sorry for Charlie and was expecting him to have a couple of black eyes the next day. Thankfully they didn’t appear so he must have just caught him right!

Do you get weekends off your new job?

Keeper sure does show his love in a funny way sometimes :lol: I really did feel sorry for Charlie and was expecting him to have a couple of black eyes the next day. Thankfully they didn’t appear so he must have just caught him right!

Do you get weekends off your new job?

@Yorkshire Coop
Yes, Charlie was lucky not to have black eyes! I hope his nose has healed over now. :) And Keeper is behaving! :D

I had Thursday and Friday off, I am working this weekend. I am on lunch break now. :) I am ready to go home!! :barnie :p

Hope you are having a nice evening up there Kim!! :hugs
@Yorkshire Coop
Yes, Charlie was lucky not to have black eyes! I hope his nose has healed over now. :) And Keeper is behaving! :D

I had Thursday and Friday off, I am working this weekend. I am on lunch break now. :) I am ready to go home!! :barnie :p

Hope you are having a nice evening up there Kim!! :hugs

Charlie is all ok now thanks Leyla. Once all the dry blood had come away it felt much better for him. Keeper behaving??? Sometimes yes and sometimes no :lol: He and Charlie have been out beating today so they are both bushed! Especially Keeper, he’s totally worn out so is behaving this evening. Tally the terror was SO pleased to see him when he came back she nearly wagged her tail off!

My mum works similar to you then Leyla. She too sometimes has to work the weekends but then gets a couple of days off in the week. She works really weird times though because someone has to be in the office 24/7. How she does the 3pm - 11pm shift I don’t know because I’d be nodding off!

Hope the afternoon flies past for you Leyla and then you can head home for some relaxing time :hugs

Quiet Saturday night here for us and just the way I like it! In front of the fire! Only 8.15pm & I could head to bed now :caf Might go at 9 though as I’m riding again in the morning with a friend who is coming over to hack out. I need get Harry out in the field early for a kick & a buck before I get on him :lol:
I’m flying another
for today! Given its very windy I was expecting Harry to be a total pain in the bum but shockingly he was great. 1000x better than yesterday’s escapade! Had a friend come over and she borrowed one of the other liveries horses so she could hack out with me. She’s not ridden since she sold her horse in September so she was very happy to be getting back in the saddle. Had a lovely but windy/cold hack round the big block. All back in one piece and one very happy friend. Glad we went this morning though because these gusts seem to getting stronger!

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