Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Charlie is all ok now thanks Leyla. Once all the dry blood had come away it felt much better for him. Keeper behaving??? Sometimes yes and sometimes no :lol: He and Charlie have been out beating today so they are both bushed! Especially Keeper, he’s totally worn out so is behaving this evening. Tally the terror was SO pleased to see him when he came back she nearly wagged her tail off!

My mum works similar to you then Leyla. She too sometimes has to work the weekends but then gets a couple of days off in the week. She works really weird times though because someone has to be in the office 24/7. How she does the 3pm - 11pm shift I don’t know because I’d be nodding off!

Hope the afternoon flies past for you Leyla and then you can head home for some relaxing time :hugs

Quiet Saturday night here for us and just the way I like it! In front of the fire! Only 8.15pm & I could head to bed now :caf Might go at 9 though as I’m riding again in the morning with a friend who is coming over to hack out. I need get Harry out in the field early for a kick & a buck before I get on him :lol:

I am getting ready to leave soon for work, just stopping by with a hug. :hugs :) xoxoxo
Lunchtime break... :lol: I wanna go home now!!! :( :lol: I am bushed already!

Just checking in on you. Have a fabulous rest of your evening dear Kim! Stay warm up there too! :hugs

I feel for you Leyla with wanting to just go home :hugs
Anything nice for lunch? Only just feel like I’m warming through with this cold wind today! Feel like my bones are aching right in the middle. In hindsight I should have put some over trousers on today but.... just never thought this morning. Had a really hot bath & got PJ’s on now in front of the fire :cool:
I feel for you Leyla with wanting to just go home :hugs
Anything nice for lunch? Only just feel like I’m warming through with this cold wind today! Feel like my bones are aching right in the middle. In hindsight I should have put some over trousers on today but.... just never thought this morning. Had a really hot bath & got PJ’s on now in front of the fire :cool:

Lunch was an apple and an energy bar. :p I should be home in a couple hours. I am hoping to sneak out a bit early!

Hopefully you stayed warm by the fire. :) Its been really cold here this week. Can't wait to get home, hot bath and into my pjs!

Sleep well my dear! :hugs
I’m flying another
for today. Got round the village and back just in time before the rain started! Phew! Might turn sleet/snow later. It’s all a bit chilly willy out there!
@rebrascora have you got snow up there Barbara?
Hi Kim. There is a smattering of snow on the hills but just a bit wet down here in the valley. The ground hasn't thawed for a few days so this wet is going to make things a bit slippy when it freezes hard tonight.
Wow you really are doing incredibly well with your riding. So pleased for you! I had another wasted day today.... power went off at 4am. I could see that the street lights were on so assumed it was something to do with my electrics... sewage treatment plant pump is the usual suspect so found my torch and had a bit play in my consumer box to isolate it, but still no power. Checked with my brother next door and sure enough he still had power. He came and checked by fuse box and like me there was nothing amiss. RCD hadn't been tripped, just no power. Then we went outside and checked power lines coming in and then my meter box, where the night storage meter was functional but the domestic meter was dead. Rang Northern Grid who said I would need to ring my supplier (npower) Granted it is a Freephone number but having typed in my account no. and 2 for this and 3 for that, I was told via automated system that there was a 60 min queue to speak to someone.... :barnie:he:mad: ...as you can imagine. Wondered if I could take my computer and router across to my brother's and do a live chat to sort it but router would not work off his phone line. Rang my sister to ask if she could do an online chat for me but then we couldn't log in because I couldn't remember my password (aren't they the bane of modern day life!) and it would send the link to my email account which I couldn't access because I had no internet. Then I got a call from the lady in the shop next to my yard saying that there had been a power cut at 4am and the fault was right outside my stables and they were going to be digging the pavement up to fix it and would the horses be OK with all the noise. I was so overjoyed to find the fault didn't just affect me and had already been reported, so I could abandon my futile attempts with technology and just dash up the hill and speak to a real live workman face to face who would understand my situation and he did and spoke the same language with the same accent and there were no problems understanding each other:yesss::ya. Turns out that it was only one of the three phases that had broken down and my storage heaters and my brother were on the other phases but my domestic appliances and lights were all on the broken supply. It took them 12 hrs to fix it because they had to wait for traffic lights as it is a busy main road and lots of other services right where they were digging (water and telephone broadband) but thankfully I now have power again and the horses coped very well with the noise. I couldn't get into or out of the yard other than on foot though and I have the Freelander full of bags of horse and chicken feed that need to be stored. Hoping it will be all filled in and the road works gone and I can access my feed room again when I get up there.
Being expected to hold on for 60 mins to report a fault is beyond ridiculous and I am seriously considering changing supplier as a result although I have been with npower since the house was renovated and I am quite a high user with having storage heaters. Just wondering if I will have to wait 60 mins or longer to ring and tell them I am leaving!! :confused:

Anyway, that has been the frustrations of my day. Hopefully tomorrow goes a little more smoothly. I will be shattered tonight after crawling around with my torch at 4am trying to fix things that were not broken!
Hope you have a relaxing evening. X

Good grief Barbara what a carry on with your electricity! Super frustrating there for you :barnie Wow an hour for Npower to answer your call! That is just ridiculous! Not had dealings with them as I’ve been with British Gas for electric & EON for gas for donkeys years. When it takes an hour for them to answer a call is there any wonder folk do not switch suppliers more often! I really need to sort ours out and get changed to a duel fuel as I’m sure these two are ripping me off but as usual I just can’t be doing with the hassle of having to change everything over :( Could you just email NPower to say you are leaving? I bet they get back to you then quick enough to keep your custom. Fingers crossed they have it all sorted near your yard tomorrow & you can get everything put away where it belongs rather than in the car :fl

I’m quite shocking myself with the riding this month :th& I’m hoping to keep it going! So glad we got back this aft before the rain as it has been pretty grotty down here. Now it’s getting very chilly, eek for tomorrow morning. Harry had the dentist this afternoon after we had ridden. We had a new guy to us but I have to say he was really good. Nice, calm & quiet round the horses and he explained everything he was doing. Harry has always been good having his teeth done and at one point today I thought he was going to nod off as he was rasping :lol: His head was getting lower & lower! He said he was ready for doing but not too bad. He was due to be done Oct 18 so was 3 months over so I was pleased when he said they were not too bad as I felt a bit guilty. Back lady next week so he will have had the full works!

Hope you have had a nice tipple this evening, relaxing in the warm & are going to have an early night! No one would begrudge you given you were up this morning so early with your torch! Xxxxx
Ooh I thought it would be bigger than that Wishing! I was expecting something you would have to pick up with two hands. Not sure why I had that in my head... do you get giant turtles there?
We really don't have a lot of turtles here. The Western Ponds can get a bit bigger than that one... about 8 inches across.

(Charlie has a girlfriend!!! :eek: :D)

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