Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!


Worse than yesterday, crikey! How did it go with the hunt? I can understand why they would feel obliged to head out but you have to have that cut off point if things are dangerous. I hope it was all ok :fl
This morning was a nightmare trying to fill nets. I’m sure I had more haylage in my eyes than the nets! I do a whole weeks worth on a Saturday so that I’m organised during the week and I didn’t want to get out of routine as that would upset my karma :lol:

Yes I’m going to miss riding out with my friend but she will still be down at the yard. She says things will carry on as normal except for the riding. As she says she is pregnant and not ill! I was the same and only stopped mucking out a week before Charlie was born. I was ordered not to come back until I’d had the baby. I was back 3 days after having him! She has recruited one of the younger girls to ride her pony a couple of times per week to keep her ticking over. Pony is still pretty green but I’m hoping once the lass has ridden her a few times she should be able to hack her out.

Yes the ribs & pork were lovely! Plenty of moist meat and not too much fat which I have found with some pulled pork packs. I stripped the ribs bare!

Certainly worth a trip to the quacks Barbara with your thirst! Been through the whole scenario with Scott. He’s got type 2. If you go they will probably send you to a dietitian first to try & control it. So much easier when you have someone pointing out the correct foods to you. Dont let it get out of control though if you start feeling poorly. Scott was late going to get checked (he’s a man!) and was pretty ill by the time he went. He’d lost a lot of weight, looked pale, drinking gallons, always going, always tired, blurred vision & generally feeling poopy. After some rushed through blood tests his blood sugar was way off kilter and he had to go straight on to tablets & a strict diet change.
So please do go get yourself checked!

Hoping when I’m back tomorrow I will be flying a flag! Weather permitting! Xx
Hi Leyla! So glad you had chance to pop in :hugs Thanks! I’ve not seen him do it since! Maybe that one wiggle was enough for him :lol:

I've got the day off today! :hugs I need it too!

LOL...Malcolm sure is cute! I see he has new "furniture" in his area? :) You have given him a wonderful home Kim!

How is Tally these days? Keeper? :)
@TwoCrows Hi Leyla! I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday? :hugs A day of rest & relaxation?

Yes Malc has got some new “furniture” :lol: All plants are fake plastic & easy clean. He now has 3 different types of cacti & a succulent plant. I have to say I’m very pleased with my purchases and all for no more £4 each. He also has a little wooden log cave type thing that he likes to climb up the side of and stand there looking around. I do have to watch with that though in case he fell over and on to his back. But touch wood he hasn’t yet!

Tally, Keeper & Mac are all good thanks. Still plenty of puppy playing although Mac does not participate in this as he’s way too old & grumpy! He tends to be referee when it all gets too noisy but Tally does not back down like Keeper :hmm There was a little incident the other day when war broke out over an empty dish! Mac & Tally were going for it tooth & nail. Both had to be picked up to stop it. All fun & games here!

Harry has also got a new regular visitor in his stable :D The kittens at the farm are all grown up now and venturing further. They have made good mousers! Always on the look out!

Not sure H is totally impressed with him in his feeder though :lol:
Much better on the weather front today so I’m flying a
Wind had died down & you could actually hear yourself think today :lol: Nice steady hack round the village apart from the 3 way traffic lights they have put up on a corner/junction. They were on green as we headed through at trot but they must have changed just as we got past them as a car then came flying round the corner but he had to wait behind us as he couldn’t pass because of the barriers & the other set of lights. He was gesticulating at us through his window when he eventually went past us. Some really need to learn their Highway Code again! We’d done nothing wrong, our set was on green when we came through and we were going as fast as we could! What do they want us to do? Gallop through them like the national! :lol:
@Yorkshire Coop

Hello Kim! :frow

Yep, did absolutely nothing yesterday, well at least as little as possible. Today seems to be a carbon copy of yesterday. :lol: I am bushed!! Long hours, long days, long weeks!

Love the pictures of Harry and cats! They all look so healthy and happy. :) Harry looks so cozy in his blanket and hay bedding. :)

Malcolm has a lovely setting Kim! He has it made in your care.

Talk about flying a flag, we have had ripping winds all week long. Some damaging to roofs and such, I hate going out there! No flying any flags here until spring is over!

Stay warm and dry up there Kim!! :hugs xoxoxox
Oh and I forgot to add, that's crazy about dogs fighting over an empty dish! :rolleyes: Dogs keep an eye on their stuff, even the dishes with nothing in them. :D I am glad you were there to break it up Kim!
Talk about flying a flag, we have had ripping winds all week long. Some damaging to roofs and such, I hate going out there! No flying any flags here until spring is over!

Have those winds died down Leyla? Damaged roofs are not good! I bet you’re back to work this week yes? Must have been so nice to have all the weekend off :hugs
I’m getting another
flown for today! Nice hack with another livery this afternoon as my usual partner in crime was off on a course today. Which is a shame as she does want to get as much riding in as possible before the end of the month. I tell you my farrier is going to be shocked by the end of the month at the wear on Harry’s shoes! :lol: Harry may actually warrant some new shoes this next time!

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