Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Have those winds died down Leyla? Damaged roofs are not good! I bet you’re back to work this week yes? Must have been so nice to have all the weekend off :hugs

Finally today we are quiet on the winds. But they are due back in on Thursday. :rolleyes: We didn't receive any damage, but some roofs in town did. Some crumpled like tin foil!

Yep, back to work this week. I am exhausted already and looking forward to my next day off! :th

Love and huggies Kim!! :hugs xoxoxoxo
Finally today we are quiet on the winds. But they are due back in on Thursday. :rolleyes: We didn't receive any damage, but some roofs in town did. Some crumpled like tin foil!

Yep, back to work this week. I am exhausted already and looking forward to my next day off! :th

Love and huggies Kim!! :hugs xoxoxoxo

Wow they must have been very strong to crumple the roofs! Your buildings must be better built Leyla!

Ugh on the work, enjoy your next day off :hugs
Harry has had a hair cut today. His go faster arrows have been removed now :lol: Not the best of clips as he’s got a lot of lines on him but I didn’t want to wait for the blades to be sharpened :oops:
Not looking too bad for an old goat really :old

Harry is looking very smart. I was just saying to my sister that mine need another trim before it is too late.
Pleased to report that I can sport another
for yesterday. Got Rascal and MeMe out and Rasc was really well behaved, especially when you consider that he hasn't been ridden for at least 2.5months. I even tried a canter and whereas he would normally start bronking from the first stride, he transitioned really smoothly and only started to do some very soft bucks about 50 yards in, mostly because I was trying to keep him to a steady pace but his back end wasn't getting the message, making it want to overtake the front. Funny how Rasc is all about the back end power whilst Rebel is more interested in dropping low and pulling with his front legs and shoulders. Rebel is a bit like a little thoroughbred in his outlook in that he likes to go as fast as possible whenever he gets the chance whereas Rascal is more warmblood in temperament, with a pumped up attitude and prefers to ponce about rather than cover ground.
Hoping to get out on one of them again today, probably Rebel and then my sister is coming over tomorrow so we should get another 2 out then.
Pleased you have found someone else at the yard to ride out with. Is there the potential for that to become a more permanent arrangement after your friend takes maternity leave from riding? I hope so. It is so much better to have company when you ride out.

Hope you are having a good day and the sun is shining on you like it is here. X

Well done Barbara getting those flags flown again! Did you get out yesterday too? :fl
Rasc sounds like he was very well behaved and I love your description on poncing about rather than covering the ground! Especially after 2.5 months off!
2 more out again today & you will nearly have caught me up on the flags flown tally. I should be back later with another to fly. Going with my pregnant friend later as long as she’s not feeling weak. Although she’s not being sick or anything like that she says she’s always hungry and keeps having feeling weak moments. She is carrying on as normal but some of the heavy lifting stuff (feed bags etc) I try to get done for her before she comes down.

Mmm.. now my possible regular new riding partner... she just can’t get up in a morning so how regular she will be I just don’t know :idunno I’m a morning person and she’s not! She backed out Sunday morning and I’d only said be tacked up and on board for 9 which I didn’t think was that early. She messaged me to say oh I can’t come now. I’m hazarding a guess she was still in bed! She still wasn’t down when I left the farm at 10.30 :hmm So me & regular/pregnant friend went on our own. Goodness knows what she will say when we get to summer and I ask if she wants to go at 6am. Which I would much rather do before it gets too hot especially if we have another summer like last year! I’m sure there is only one 6 o’clock in her day and it ain’t the morning one! :lol:
Well I’m getting that
out for this afternoon. Took 4 attempts to get on but we got there in the end! Kids are off school this week for half term so the young lad who lives at the farm had all his dogs out this afternoon. Unfortunately one came flying round the corner and nearly crashed into H as we were heading to the mounting block. Of course that put a bee in his bonnet and he couldn’t possibly stand still or straight next to the block after that! :lol: Had to do a leap of faith but I got my backside in the saddle in the end and he settled quickly once we got out.
Oh dear, what bad timing with the dogs but pleased you managed to get in the saddle and stay there and have a nice ride out.
Delighted to report I'm flying another one too
. We did just over 6 miles and Rascal was good as gold with Jo. She used her western tack on him and he looks well in it. I took a photo of them both tacked up and ready to go but I'm having problems downloading from this new phone to my PC. Maybe just as well until I get them clipped again so that they look a little less scruffy. Rascal is sporting a 3" tall Mohican because his hog has grown out so much and MeMe's mane is nearly a foot long and both have tufty bridlepaths so they are desperately in need of some barbering.
We had a bit play in the river on the way home to try to improve MeMe's water tolerance..... she hates water unless it is in a trough! She did pretty well and whilst she isn't ready to cross the river yet, we got her in and out of the shallower water many times. It didn't help that Rascal would stand in it and paw and splash her but maybe that is his way of desensitising her.... she wasn't impressed! We also had a difficult gate to open and close and Rascal was so funny because he was using his chin to pull it closed whilst Jo got the fastener off and then pushed it open and closed with his nose and held it whilst I fastened it off MeMe. He knows all about the intricacies of opening gates from his exploits at home undoing fastenings and getting into places he shouldn't! This time his skill came in handy. Think that is all my news. Looks like we are set for this mild spell to last and whilst there will be a little rain over the next couple of days, the weekend and next week should be fine again. Can't help thinking we will be in store for some horrid weather at some point to make up for this fantastic winter. I'm starting to think us Brits will need to find something else to moan about if this continues!

I’m not fussed if they look a little scruffy Barbara, I’m just interested to see Rasc in his western gear ;) MeMe & Harry could start a new fashion with the foot long mane :lol: Harry is desperate for something to be done with his too. It’s long, straggly & frizzy. Not at all what a thoroughbred’s mane should be like.

Sounds fun in the river but poor MeMe getting splashed by Rascal. Certainly living up to his name there. Sounds a real brotherly thing to be doing though, something she doesn’t like to annoy her. But if it helps her in the end maybe he knows. Nothing that exciting round here for going through. One of the longer hacks down a track does have a small river but the only way over is the small stone bridge!

I too am thinking the same with the weather! Just seems way too nice at the moment & that something horrible may be lurking around the corner..... I’m seriously thinking about getting summer rugs out :cool: Even though he’s now fully clipped he is still quite warm with just that medium premier rug on with no neck cover. I really don’t want to jinx things by getting them out and forcing the weather to change considerably because of it... :lol:
Morning Kim

Cooler, overcast and very blustery today but still no rain, so I will take that. Can't believe how dry the ground is!
I went to borrow Ian's clippers this morning and they were not in the case and no sign of the battery charger either so think he must have them in the car with him. Unusual for him to take them without the case but the clasps have broken so probably just as easy without. Anyway, he is away hunting so there will be no hair cuts today and I will have to ask him tonight if I can borrow them tomorrow. I'm tempted to do a full clip on Rasc this time as he is exceptionally hairy (you would think he had Cushings if you didn't know better) and does sweat easily, but as you say, no doubt the weather will turn bad if I do that and then I will have to rug him which I don't particularly want to start doing at this time of year.... not that I don't have rugs but just seems strange to start using them this close to spring. My horses have access to their stable 24/7, so they can always come in if they feel cold or it gets wet which is why I can get away with that trace clip without needing to rug them and 4 horses together in a stone stable makes for quite a cosy environment even when it is bitter outside.

Just tried again to download photos but when I click to "import photos and video" it says there are no photos on this device, but if I click on photos on the phone they are clearly there. Will have to ask my sister how to do it as it is her old phone and she is much more tech savvy than me. She has booked me into a Western Riding Fun Day with her for 31st of March which will be interesting. It is going to be held at a livery yard in the next village, so I can hack there. There will be lots of obstacles to play on like tarpaulins and a see saws and narrow passages with bunting and foam fingers to push through. It is designed to give the horse more confidence.... something MeMe probably needs. I have a sneaky feeling she may say NO to everything, whereas Rascal would probably love it..... he gets a kick out of squeezing into tight spaces and the last time I had him walk onto a tarpaulin, he stopped and weed on it :oops:.... he can be so embarrassing sometimes!

You are so right about sibling squabbling and winding each other up. They are no different to human children in that respect. I can remember my older brothers deliberately sticking their fingers in my ears or tickling me to tease me when I was little.

Shame that other girl on your yard is on a different body clock to you. I can't criticise because I only see one 6 o'clock too as I am a night time person, although I woke at 4.30 this morning and could not get back to sleep, so I got up and had a hot chocolate and watched a bit of TV (at Ian's) until just after 6am, when I went back to bed and managed to get another couple of hours kip. Not sure if it is the tablets or diet change that caused that. Even though I have been running to the loo every hour over the last few weeks I've always managed to get back to sleep, so that was really odd. I hope it doesn't become a habit.

Well brunch is over so I need to head out there and get some more work done. Hope you are having a good day and the paperwork is nearly completed. X

Hi Barbara! Did you get sorted with the clippers for the barbering session? I’m sure they will appreciate it with what’s forecast for the next couple of days, positively tropical it will be :cool: I’ve not got those rugs out yet though just in case!

What type of phone is it that you have? Maybe they are just not compatible. I can’t get videos from my little camera onto my iPad using the plug in dongle thing with the SD card. It just won’t read the SD card at all but it reads the game cam SD card perfectly fine. Not too bad for my pics though because I have iPhone & iPad connected using iCloud so they auto share on to the iPad so I can put them straight on here. I’m not keen on using the phone for here unless I’m just reading.

The western day sounds great and you never know MeMe might shock you & really enjoy it. Either way it sounds like lots of fun & should boost her. I can totally see why you would be embarrassed with Rascal if he enjoys taking a leak on tarpaulins! That is so funny :lol:

I would think once you are settled on the tablets & new diet things should be ok for you. You should feel better if you are not waking to head to the loo all the time too! No excuses at all here but I was awake at 3.30 this morning. Don’t know why and it took some dropping off again as I forced myself back to bed after I’d let the dog out. Had a read on here first, set the alarm, put a boring documentary on but still time was ticking. Last time l looked it was 4.45am and the next thing I knew it was 6am with the alarm going off. Needless to say I hit snooze 3 times before dragging myself out of the pit :oops:

Well.... no I still haven’t got that paper work finished, bad Kim :smack
But I am going to fly another
for this afternoon :bun
Did the big block and we managed a team of four! One was a young girl (9) who is another liveries friends daughter. She brought her pony over to hack out as she doesn’t really have anywhere at her house. As she’s not been out very much she was a little nervous and we had a few tears but the pony was good as gold even with all the lorries passing us and going right up the side of the M62 which is pretty noisy! She was going to go turn back but once we got all the way round she was much more relaxed and glad she carried on. As you can see Harry was well in front of the 3 ladies leading the way!

Also I think Harry maybe getting a little on the porky side! He looks pregnant :lol:

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