Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!


Good morning Barbara! Have you got all this wind up there? Was honking it down yesterday morning and then by lunch time it was like hurricane weather out there :hmm As the heavy showers came along the wind really picked up. Then I’ve heard it howling in the night. Dry now but it’s still pretty gusty. Not sure how many flags will get flown this week with what is forecast!

Yes no driving after the screening! It’s the drops they put in to dilate your eyes that make your vision blurry. Sunglasses afterwards can help too. Scott is going for his doing next week so I will be chauffeur for him.

Well Charlie’s girlfriend... think I get now why she’s like she is. We were chatting about her yesterday with him and it turns out she is adopted. Her adoptive parents are pretty horrible with her from what she has said to him. They don’t speak to each other much or do family things etc or have the crack like we do here. Apparently if they have an argument or disagreement her mother will turn round & say “I will send you back to where I got you from” :hmm She was 5 when they took her in so the first years of her life was pretty chaotic, alcoholic birth mother, lots of foster homes & split up from her birth siblings. So now I can see why she’s like she is..... was quite shocked when he told us all this and I really do feel so sorry for her.

Anyhow must get cracked on with some jobs as it is Monday morning! Have a good week Barbara :fl

Weeds! Those look like delicious salad herbs to me and he obviously thinks so too! Lovely to see him enjoying them.
Put me down for another
yesterday. Lauren and I rode out and I very nearly got decked by Rascal who gave me half a dozen whoppers one after the next for no reason whatsoever. On the road as well! One more and I was gone, as I had lost a stirrup and was completely off balance. My sister say's it must be because I have lost so much weight he thought it was a fly on his back...:lau. Other than that we had a good but very steady ride although Lauren struggled a bit to cope with MeMe being so strong and forward going. Jo is coming over tomorrow so we should get ggs out again then as we have new shoes to put some wear on!
Just been for my retinal screening but won't get results until they are sent to GP. Thanks for the tip re sun glasses as the sun has got out this afternoon despite the horrendous forecast and I really needed them. Hope the sun is shining on you too. X
Hi Kim
Hope you have had a good week. Did another 5 miles yesterday
but it was a bit hairy as the wind really got up and they were very spooky. Rebel nearly dropped me on the same stretch of road as Rascal the other day and then he did a 180degree spin from a standstill when we stopped on the walkway to let 2 young girls on bicycles come past us. It was a bit dodgy because I only had one hand on the reins and the other was stroking his neck to try to calm him and we ended up on the edge of the very steep embankment that I am not sure we would have survived if we had gone over! Thankfully he pulled up and I stayed on him and we both stood there looking down the drop rather relieved. Thankfully there were no more major issues apart from cantering up the road sideways on the way home as the light was fading. Our two boys don't act their age much do they!

We are heading down to Chesterfield on Saturday to look at some carriages and I'm going out to see 10cc in concert tonight so I'm feeling quite a gad about and with my new slimmer figure I have a whole range of clothes to choose from..... since I never throw anything out.... I am now getting back into all my old favourite clothes. Might even put my leather trousers on tonight! Down to 10st 0 today and still dropping rapidly. The only down side is that I don't have the energy to do anything and I'm falling asleep on the settee on an evening.... I even had a nap yesterday lunchtime! Hope I don't disgrace myself and fall asleep at the concert tonight!

Anyway, I hope you aren't working too hard and have a relaxing weekend. XX

Hi Barbara! Wow your flags are being flown thick & fast, well done you:clap Non here at all with this wind & my partner in crime now on maternity leave. Feel a bit deflated as she was my spur and now I feel no umph. I’m hoping it changes when the weather gets a bit better. Plus if I could some of the other liveries in a routine that would help me. But getting them organised is like trying to plait wee! Had an egg count done on Harry & he needed worming so did that Wednesday tea time and he’s been in today so certainly nothing for today. Never get on him unless he’s been out for a kick & buck first :lol:

Glad you were ok after the mishap today near the embankment. Things like that really do scare me and I can imagine your heart was seriously pounding!
Down to 10stone! Well done, can’t believe you have been diagnosed with type 2 when you were obviously not over weight to start with it.

Heading down my neck of the woods on Saturday then ;) Will you be coming down & then up the A1?? You & Ian? If so would he be up for maybe stopping off on the A1? I’m not far from Ferrybridge Services and can be there in half an hour :) Just a thought but I totally understand if he’s not up for it. It’s a long drive from yours.

Have a great time at the concert & I’m sure you will be fully awake. Especially if you are sneaking well deserved afternoon naps in! No shame in nodding off, I often do! Nana naps & sat up in the chair. Plus I have no excuse! Oh and I would like to see a pic of these leather trousers you mentioned!! :pop

Catch you soon Barbara xxxxx
Hi Kim

Funny that you have just worm counted Harry as I did mine on Monday and got the results Tues afternoon...... do you use Westgate too? Cora had a medium count (500) but it is a year since she was wormed so I don't think that is bad and has been "Equested". Rebel had a low count of 50 and the other two <50 no eggs seen but I'm having problems with pin worms in Rascal (it's been going on for years and the others never seem to have a problem with them. They are just an irritation rather than a health risk so I don't worry too much and the egg count doesn't pick up on them, but I didn't want to treat him until after he had been tested so he got an Ivermectin, whilst the other two got off Scot free. It will be interesting to see what Rebel's next result comes back as.

I had assumed you were much further over to the east Kim. It certainly would have been fantastic to meet up but we are already committed to stopping in at his sisters near Newark to spend an hour or two with their little boy who is 6. He recently lost his "Uncle John" who lived in the same village and would come along most days and spend time with him. Living as an only child on a big cattle farm he is a bit isolated and doesn't get a lot of special attention and we normally only get down there once a year to see them, so we are making a detour there to give him a little surprise, then we have to dash back for animals. Perhaps in the summer when we go down again we could meet up, when the horses are out and there are less time constraints on getting back. It would be lovely to meet you face to face.

No photographic evidence of the leather trousers I'm afraid but had a great night. I'm not a fan of 10cc but I enjoyed their music when I was younger and it is my era. That said, I could become a fan as they were really amazing live. Both their vocals/harmonizing and musicianship was fantastic and many of them played a range of instruments to an incredibly accomplished level. Even songs I didn't know were really entertaining, whereas often you are just tolerating them and waiting for the next big hit to be played. It was a lovely 3 hours when I didn't once think about food, so must have been good!!!

Really sad to hear about Charlie's girlfriend's history and I am pleased that you now know so that you can understand her being introvert and hopefully slowly build some trust with her. Ian's sister's little boy who we are going to see tomorrow is adopted which is why I am keen to make a special effort. He gets all sorts bought for him but what he craves is attention and you can understand why. I'm not normally into children at all but I do have a special bond with him.

Definitely will not be riding today (it is really wild) or tomorrow obviously but may try to get a beastie out on Sunday if the weather allows. Have a great weekend Kim and I will be thinking of you as I drive past Ferrybridge! XX
Hi Kim

Funny that you have just worm counted Harry as I did mine on Monday and got the results Tues afternoon...... do you use Westgate too? Cora had a medium count (500) but it is a year since she was wormed so I don't think that is bad and has been "Equested". Rebel had a low count of 50 and the other two <50 no eggs seen but I'm having problems with pin worms in Rascal (it's been going on for years and the others never seem to have a problem with them. They are just an irritation rather than a health risk so I don't worry too much and the egg count doesn't pick up on them, but I didn't want to treat him until after he had been tested so he got an Ivermectin, whilst the other two got off Scot free. It will be interesting to see what Rebel's next result comes back as.

I had assumed you were much further over to the east Kim. It certainly would have been fantastic to meet up but we are already committed to stopping in at his sisters near Newark to spend an hour or two with their little boy who is 6. He recently lost his "Uncle John" who lived in the same village and would come along most days and spend time with him. Living as an only child on a big cattle farm he is a bit isolated and doesn't get a lot of special attention and we normally only get down there once a year to see them, so we are making a detour there to give him a little surprise, then we have to dash back for animals. Perhaps in the summer when we go down again we could meet up, when the horses are out and there are less time constraints on getting back. It would be lovely to meet you face to face.

No photographic evidence of the leather trousers I'm afraid but had a great night. I'm not a fan of 10cc but I enjoyed their music when I was younger and it is my era. That said, I could become a fan as they were really amazing live. Both their vocals/harmonizing and musicianship was fantastic and many of them played a range of instruments to an incredibly accomplished level. Even songs I didn't know were really entertaining, whereas often you are just tolerating them and waiting for the next big hit to be played. It was a lovely 3 hours when I didn't once think about food, so must have been good!!!

Really sad to hear about Charlie's girlfriend's history and I am pleased that you now know so that you can understand her being introvert and hopefully slowly build some trust with her. Ian's sister's little boy who we are going to see tomorrow is adopted which is why I am keen to make a special effort. He gets all sorts bought for him but what he craves is attention and you can understand why. I'm not normally into children at all but I do have a special bond with him.

Definitely will not be riding today (it is really wild) or tomorrow obviously but may try to get a beastie out on Sunday if the weather allows. Have a great weekend Kim and I will be thinking of you as I drive past Ferrybridge! XX


Hi Barbara! :frow

How did it all go on Saturday? All good I hope and that Ian’s sister’s little boy was pleased to see you? I’m more than sure he will have been as I remember you saying before that you had a soft spot for him. Totally understand that you could not stop off and why but will def make a plan for next time. Yes I’m quite near Ferrybridge although my address is officially classed as East Yorkshire I’m actually pretty near to the border of north, south & west too. Not a long drive to get into any part of Yorkshire :lol:

I don’t use Westgate as Becky is a vet nurse so she does my egg counts for free through work with hers. Not even sure what he came back as she just txt me to say her 3 were ok but only Harry needed doing. Typical of the goat! As we (dare I say) nearly have spring round the corner I gave him an Equest pramox to cover for tape worm too. Was like a steam train going out on Friday morning having been in since Wednesday T time. Hate that part of keeping in after worming!

Such a shame on no pics of the leather trousers! :lol: But good to hear you enjoyed the 3 hours of food free thoughts. Me I’m not very good on night time entertainment as I’m usually ready for bed for 9pm :old

Any flags to fly for today? :fl Non here as I’ve been totally lazy today and yesterday was wet so I talked myself out of it plus no one else fancied it. Harry and I must smell or something :lol: Teally need to get going with ride & lead again to try & spur me on. At least he might not be a beast if I take Bran a long with us.

Well it is nearly “turning into a pumpkin” time for me. Can’t stay up past my bedtime!

Catch you soon Barbara xxxx

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