Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Hi Kim
Pleased to report I can wave another
as I have been out on Arthur again today. Ian rode Archie out with us. Arthur was still very nappy going out despite keeping mostly to the same route and I had to use the "tickle stick" on him a couple of times instead of just slapping my boot with it. On the way home he started to get really strong again and I used the same technique of turning him around and making him go forward away from home and Archie until he went willingly and then we turned back and caught up with Archie. After 3 or 4 times we were happily walking along next to Archie on a nice loose rein without racing off or pulling me out of the saddle and coming back to a halt and also a little rein back mostly off my voice with very little rein pressure, so I feel like we made some significant progress today.
Did you manage to get out on Lottie or Harry?

I am heading off to Glasgow with my sister to see Hugh Jackman tomorrow. My brother in law decided that it was not his thing and whilst he would have gone with Jo, he is very happy for me to go in his place, so we are travelling up by train tomorrow lunchtime(first class) as his treat.....I am such a lucky girl!! I think Hugh is a great guy (as is my brother in law!!) and a wonderful all round entertainer, so it will be a fantastic night!
Hugh Jackman! Oh, lucky you.

Yes , very lucky indeed! Concert was brilliant. Hugh is such a fantastic showman. Having said that, even if we had not gone to the concert, I absolutely loved spending some prime time with my sister and travelling first class and staying overnight in a hotel was just an absolute treat!
Hi Kim

Bit concerned that you have been absent from the thread for a few days..... hope all is well and it is just that you have been too busy. Maybe you were not wanting to flaunt all your flags when I have been doing so poorly on that score but pleased to report that I have
to display. I rode Arthur again on Friday and then Lauren and I rode out with Rebel and MeMe yesterday. Sadly Rebel was a bit lame at trot with his near hind. I dug a bit of grit out of his hoof and he seemed a bit happier but still not fully sound. I have my farriers coming on Tues so I'll ask them to test him for an abscess. We also helped Ian drive his 3 boys in unicorn formation for the first time last night. Poor Zak got prodded up the bot a few times with the pole end because he didn't walk on fast enough, but he got the hang of it eventually. I think Ian was pretty chuffed to have achieved it. We now need to get some miles under their belts to become more experienced and proficient at it. The difficulty is that we need 3 people to take them out and Lauren isn't always available. I am thinking about advertising in the feedstore .... maybe rides in exchange for help..... I wonder if any of the local riding schools have notice boards. Ideally we need someone who has experience handling horses.

Anyway, I think that is all my news. Hope you are enjoying this glorious weather today. X

Hi Barbara! Well things have got away from me again last night & today! Today though was because this weather has been so nice so we got a bolt load of stuff done outside today :cool: Yes I have a few flags to wave
x4 for last week. Bank holiday we hacked out with my friend & her daughter so they went on Harry & Saffy & I went on Lottie. Then Tuesday I hacked out on Lottie, Friday & Sunday on Harry. Although my legs don’t hurt anymore after getting off Lottie when I get back on Harry he really does feel like a comfortable pair of slippers! Got the farrier coming out tomorrow earlier than planned as H has a loose back shoe so we haven’t been out today as it sounded terrible yesterday. It’s loose on the heel and is moving a bit but with how it sounds on the road you would think it was about to fly off at any moment!! Also got some school work planned for Lottie tomorrow as we are going to try and tackle the next show at the start of June. It’s on our yard so no traveling. Got the next dressage on the Friday then the show on the Sunday so it will be a busy weekend. Really not sure how I get talked in to these things! We shall see how I scrub up :lol: You asked if Lottie owner has competed her, yes she has. Just the stressless dressage but she’s done quite a lot of showing with her. Local, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, equifest and stuff like that. To say Lottie is only 6 and was wild as the wind until nearly 4 she is quite a chilled lady.

Now Barbara if I were closer I’d be round like a shot to help you. Not that I’ve ever done any driving! I have to say I had to google the unicorn just to make sure I was thinking it out right! Zak & the pole up his bot must have spurred him on a bit! It sure would me :lol: Sounds like a plan though with swapping some rides for help. Do you have a local bookface group or something like that? I don’t do it myself but it seems the way of the world now if anything is needed...... :rolleyes:

Lovely to see you posting a couple of flags! But not so good on Rebel :( How is he today? Any better? :fl From how you write I can see you have a soft spot for Arthur I’m guessing ;) He does sound like a little gem!

Fingers crossed you can get more flags posted soon especially with this half decent weather this week. I’ve bit the bullet today, left H & Bran out tonight. Just so I can lay in bed tonight worrying about them! But if they can stay put now until end September I will be a happy bunny! Just hope the weather doesn’t scupper my plans.

Catch you soon Barbara xxxx
Aw... Lottie will want to stay with her Auntie Kimmie. She looks like a comfortable ride. :)
Ribbon goes to the rider, not the horse?

I’m so so late Wishing! She’s def not staying with me! As soon as Becky has had her baby she’s getting back in the saddle! :lol: Once your legs are used to her she’s not too bad a ride. Yes the Ribbon to the rider Wishing but I have it hung at the farm and you never know I might add a few more over the summer....... or that one was a fluke :p
I’m so so late Wishing! She’s def not staying with me! As soon as Becky has had her baby she’s getting back in the saddle! :lol: Once your legs are used to her she’s not too bad a ride. Yes the Ribbon to the rider Wishing but I have it hung at the farm and you never know I might add a few more over the summer....... or that one was a fluke :p
I predict there will be more!
I’m flying a
for a hack out on Harry with his girlfriend then a
for a hack out on Lottie straight after. Wow it was weird getting straight off Harry & on to her! But at least we are making the most of this good weather :cool: Got a full set of new shoes on H today and they sounded so much better! Farrier was well impressed with my wear on the old ones for 5 weeks. Harry was very steady away, in fact he made me feel guilty for riding him. It wasn’t overly hot but I’m thinking after his first night out last night he may have been a bit tired. Turning him out always switches him off so I’m hoping it was just that and nothing more.

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