Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

After riding a thoroughbred for so many years she was a real shock to my system & legs! They are used to her now but it feels pretty odd when I get off her and straight on to Harry! Friends baby is due beginning of September so she will be getting her pony back once she’s over the birth & I will have my hacking out partner back :)
Oh no poor Scooter! Is he ok now he’s on the meds?
Decided on the first pic, talking to the judge and Scott ordered the second with us “banking round” as he called it :lol: Would have got them all but I’m skint this month as my car needed insurance, road tax & servicing. Plus my mum & dad have bought Charlie a car as an early birthday/Xmas present so that needed insurance & road tax too. My pockets are empty now!

Wow that’s a very grumpy looking scary bird!! Very lucky it lived after being hit by a car. Did you get it off to the center ok? Bet you needed big gloves!
Scooter is doing fine with the meds so far. No more seizures which is very good because he is a rare case that got life threatening pulmonary edema... the seizure caused a hormone release. Med makes him hungry and sleepy. I measure his food out for the day and give him several small meals so he doesn't feel starved. Worst thing is it's a controlled substance. My little doggy is addicted to barbiturates! :(
All the pics were good. Glad you got some.
Kids are very expensive. Charlie must be chuffed about the car! :)
Hope everyone is doing ok :fl

Been a busy bee here and I have x 12
to fly. Hacking out on Harry plus school & hacking out on Lottie. Had some lovely hacks out on Harry and we’ve managed a team of 6 a couple of times plus others on push bikes! Also had Charlie’s girlfriend come with us a couple of times which was nice as she was much more talkative at the yard with me!


Finally got round to making more of an effort with cantering Lottie. Feel much more together now but that blinking saddle pad she has does not keep you in place like a real saddle! The slightest not sitting & pushing with your backside or the slightest heal rise from your feet & I feel over the place but we just need to keep practicing! She was ready for a nap today after we’d had a good session in the school! As you can see her mum is getting a real baby belly now!

I’ve also been bad and got Harry another rug, I just can’t help myself! Went to get a new lite rug for summer as his old one is leaky & gets damp. But I ended up getting a 50g fill one as it’s just that bit warmer. Really impressed with it and it stood up really well yesterday in the persistent rain we had. Not too cold in it as he would have been in a lite rug but not too warm as he would have been in a thick one.


Think that’s most of my news for now. Got dressage this Friday and show on Sunday so another busy weekend ahead.....
Got round the dressage ok this evening. She was a bit spooky at the end of the school which upset her & she lost concentration but not too bad for a first attempt at that test, 71.3% :)

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