Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Thanks Wishing, checked this morning & we got a 1st with our 71.3%. I need to get her to bend through her whole body. https://dressagetoday.com/instruction/experts-29854
She’s all bathed and ready for tomorrow :clap Think she enjoyed having the hose on her today as it is quite warm at 30c today! In fact that’s positively tropical for England :gig
Scrubbed up not too bad!

1st place!! :woot You beat them all.

Biomechanics of the bend... a whole other world I know nothing about. Is it all under the rider's control, or is there a learning curve for the horse? Just show Lottie the diagrams. I'm sure she'll get it then! :D This is dressage you are doing?

She is glowing after that bath. I just heard France and Spain are having record heat too. We had our heat wave a couple weeks ago. yucky
1st place!! :woot You beat them all.

Biomechanics of the bend... a whole other world I know nothing about. Is it all under the rider's control, or is there a learning curve for the horse? Just show Lottie the diagrams. I'm sure she'll get it then! :D This is dressage you are doing?

She is glowing after that bath. I just heard France and Spain are having record heat too. We had our heat wave a couple weeks ago. yucky

Yes rider aids from your legs, hands & seat but you have to teach them the aids so they know what you are asking of them. She would probably do better learning the diagrams than my aids :lol: Yes for the dressage, showing and riding in general.

If I had to remember all that, I'd fall off!

I often forget, that’s why we are still not quite together and she’s quite young still at 6.... we need more practice!
We got a 1st, a 2nd & a 6th today at the show :) Pretty disappointing getting the 6th in the novice ridden as my canter was appalling, struck off on the wrong leg then I was all over the place :oops: All my own fault with getting flustered and not remembering everything I needed to do but I’m hoping it will come with more practice :fl But still enjoyed myself although I’m not sure Lottie did with the canter! She is such an honest pony for putting up with me!
I’ve got
one for last Saturday on Harry, Tuesday on Lottie and another for today on Harry again. All hacking out so nice & pleasurable. Charlie’s Courtney came with me today on Saffy and was like a pea on a drum plus the poor lass had to trot most of the way to keep up with Harry’s walk! Saffy is very steady away and as Courtney is pretty small Saffy was just ignoring her leg :hmm But we got round incident free and had a nice time together.


Got the grass cut here for the hay. Hoping the weather holds until its baled & under cover :fl Been walking it checking for thistles etc so they can be removed before baling & Tally has been helping or should I say hindering! Those ears took some real cleaning up!

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