Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

“I’ve finished mine so I need to eat yours too” :lol:
to fly so far this week. Been out for a hack yesterday & today with just Courtney so only the 2 of us. All uneventful I’m pleased to say & very pleasant if not a little warm!

Harry concerned me though when I’d put him back out :hmm He got down and had a roll but it took him 2 attempts to get back up. Not sure if he didn’t just have his back legs in the right place or if he didn’t have enough oomph. It was quite distressing watching him get half way up with his front legs only to go back down and have to try again :(
Got a
to fly for today on Lottie. Nice hack out round the village with Courtney again. Was pretty humid today so think I’m going to have to go back early morning riding before it gets too warm!
Got a
to fly for today. Nice plod round the village on Harry with Courtney and another livery. Bit cooler today which was pleasant. Got another ride planned for tomorrow and Saturday so I’m racking them up this week :lol:
Charlie has flown the nest :hit He’s got himself a job on a pheasant & partridge rearing Farm. It’s initially for 2 months but they have offered him over winter too if he’s interested. Got a static caravan to live in whilst he’s there as it’s up near the dales in North Yorkshire. Feeling real empty nest syndrome right now! Just hope he manages ok with his house keeping, washing & feeding himself!
Charlie has flown the nest :hit He’s got himself a job on a pheasant & partridge rearing Farm. It’s initially for 2 months but they have offered him over winter too if he’s interested. Got a static caravan to live in whilst he’s there as it’s up near the dales in North Yorkshire. Feeling real empty nest syndrome right now! Just hope he manages ok with his house keeping, washing & feeding himself!
Sorry for you, mum, but good on Charlie! He must be very excited to head out on his own, and he wouldn't feel ready to go if his parents hadn't been so great at raising him. :hugs
Charlie has flown the nest :hit He’s got himself a job on a pheasant & partridge rearing Farm. It’s initially for 2 months but they have offered him over winter too if he’s interested. Got a static caravan to live in whilst he’s there as it’s up near the dales in North Yorkshire. Feeling real empty nest syndrome right now! Just hope he manages ok with his house keeping, washing & feeding himself!
Take heart, you will be okay. Keep your good friends close and don't forget to breathe.... I have three that have gone, flown the coop so to speak.:( My feelings ebb and flow still after all these years. Though time did make things easier, mostly I just had to learn to get used to the silent heartbreak. Take joy in your accomplishments and be proud your son and the man he is becoming. The upswing is watching them grow still (and silently holding the safety net ;))
Glad you are getting out to ride some... or that is what I think you are saying. Your English is fabulous... mine, not so much. lol.
I'm Leslie, notorious for photos, live Hawaii and ride western pleasure/trail. DH and I have his (fjord/dun paint) and her (pintoloosa) horses ages 4 & 5. Mine being Hombre the 5yo. It has been in the 90's with no breeze and high humidity here. Lots of sweat to be had by all even in the early mornings and eves. No reprieve. DH is down, not riding for another few more months and i have been trying to stay on top (again) of Hombre. He has been a bit of a handful because of big lapses in riding due to DH's illness and life. With a snotty horse and the heat I am not enjoying things. I have him back in the round pen and arena now. Took him on the trail last Saturday and he was bad and I am sore for it. I'm determined to keep plugging away at it. He will be a good boy one day...!:th IMG_20190528_185312070_HDR.jpg IMG_20190317_104126594_HDR.jpg IMG_20190718_104541225 (3).jpg I'm also helping a friend (going into surgery in a few days) with his horse Waipa- (red roan) summer itch and weekly ride. Nice to join your adventure thread.
:frow No more adventures??
Hubs and I just moved our 17 yr old up to Montana for his first year of college. It's only about 16 1/2 hours away by car. :thCompleted the first week of school and seems pretty happy. He got very lucky with getting a great roommate in the dormitory... local kid with a wonderful family that have all but adopted my boy. :D
Hope he will get all his work done, and not play too much. Doing an electrical engineering degree. Roommate is pre-med, so hopefully they will spend some time studying! The house feels weird with him gone.
Wow @Wishing4Wings thats quite some hours away! Makes Charlie’s a couple of hours drive away seem nothing at all!
Are you coping ok without him at home? Sounds like he has a great roommate & fingers crossed they do get some work done!
I’m certainly not coping here! Can’t seem to snap out of it at all :( I thought I would have improved by now but I’m still missing him terribly :oops: Feeling a little lost as I’ve got no one to mother like I did him. He’s been home twice since he left, once for a family wedding and for his driving test which he unfortunately failed :hmm When he’s gone back up there it’s been a wrench. But on the plus side he his really enjoying his job and all that goes with it. Even the 5am starts & 10pm finishes! He’s especially liked his first wages being paid into the bank! But I guess I have to let go... he & Courtney are still an item and they both looked very nice for the wedding :)


Not sure Courtney was impressed with how much he drank at the wedding though! But you’re only young once!

Been trying to keep busy whilst he’s not here with the animals. Got enough to go at! Got lots & lots
to fly for riding both Harry & Lottie. Been really good & kept up with the hacking Harry out. Flies have been bad when it’s been warm so I got him a fly veil and according to Scott I’m wicked for making him wear white ears but I think he looks pretty neat!

Got another 1st in the dressage last month on Lottie which I was super pleased with & she went well. Not so good at the show though as we got a 4th & a 2nd. She was in season and not really in the right frame of mind & was a bit of a witch to be quite honest :hmm Did an in hand class too but I’m really not cut out for running anymore :old

Last dressage & show at the end of this month then Lottie will get turned away for a couple of months then my friend will be wanting her pony back as she has now had her baby. The baby arrived a couple of week's early via emergency Caesarian. She’s had a gorgeous baby boy! Mother & baby are well now though which is a relief. She says I can carry on with the dressage & some showing next season if I want on a share basis so I might take her up on that offer as I’ve enjoyed this year far more than I thought I would!

Think that’s about it really for my news, dogs, cats, ferrets, chickens, quail & Malcolm are all good too! Plenty to keep my mind occupied here!
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