has anyone ever been bitten by a chicken?

I haven't been bitten hard by any of my chickens but I think it surprises you more then it hurts.
In the summer I live in flip flops and they go for the toes so stomping my feet when I walk in the coop discurages that quick.Plus if your fingers are dangling they are thinking that's food.I'm always reminding my youngens to keep there hands in a fist when you go out to get the eggs.LOL!
I don't have chickens right now but as a child, I can remember one of my babysitters sending me out to her coop to gather eggs in the morning. Those chickens were always pecking or biting me. I love animals but I didn't like those chickens very well.

One morning I accidently killed one of them by putting a metal coffee can that was used to spread feed with over one hand while reaching under a hen with the other. That poor hen pecked that can so hard that she knocked herself silly, looked like she acutally dizzy for a second, then just fell over dead.

It was many years later before I told anyone what really happened.
Those of us who have been around Chickens for any long length of time has either been pecked, drew blood, spurred by a rooster, scratched by sharp claws. you name it has happened.

You should be careful and not get chicken bit, about 15 years ago I lost a thumb to a RIR , and a good friend lost his right leg to a flock of white leghorns, we almost didnt get him out of the run in time... Im kiddin he only lost his foot

seriously I'm kiddin getting pecked or bitten by a chicken doesnt hurt, kinda like getting pinched.
(see still have my thumbs)
You should be careful and not get chicken bit, about 15 years ago I lost a thumb to a RIR , and a good friend lost his right leg to a flock of white leghorns, we almost didnt get him out of the run in time... Im kiddin he only lost his foot

seriously I'm kiddin getting pecked or bitten by a chicken doesnt hurt, kinda like getting pinched. (see still have my thumbs)

My Yellow Sex Link roo always trys to bite me. ALWAYS. After the second time he managed to bite my hands I always wear garden gloves out to the coop, especially if I have to handle him or the hens. He drew blood both of the times, I have a scar from one of them
When I was about 6, we had some chickens that came w/ our acreage. I especially remember a beautiful red rooster. He was enormous!
We were always barefooted and that rooster knew it. As soon as we would go out to the coop, he was on our feet.
We always had holes on the tops. (of course we never thought of wearing shoes.
) When it came to "butcher" day. I had my sweet revenge. I watched him lose his head!

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