Has anyone ever raised Canada goose goslings?

i rescued a baby gosling last night how am i suppose to give the lil baby a bath and not get mites
What makes you think it has mites? fill up your sink with nice warm water and put gosling in but don't walk off for even a sec or you may find it on the floor. then after it has bathed blot dry and place under nice warm heat lamp to finish drying. Also my chickens had mites and they may get on you but I can vouch they don't bite, I just took a shower and they were gone. Tell us more about your rescue.
Never seen "mites" on any of my waterfowl. I do not believe they get along with water.
Of what I heard that waterfowl do not get mites because they are always playing in water. I have never had to treat my geese or duck for mites. Why do you think it has mites???
Anyone have any idea why my new canada gosling would be biting and picking on my Toulose(sp?) goslings?
We purchased newly hatched Canadas from Strombergs Hatchery, and they all survived and have thrived. We have raised lots of chickens (currently have 100 in the brooder now), but never geese before now. I read everything I could find prior to getting them, and made the decision to go ahead and imprint them rather than isolate them from the start. They have been an incredible pleasure to have, and our family just loves them! We are in New Mexico, and did have to get a Gamebird Propagation Permit from the Dept. of Game and Fish (at the state level). We also had to get an Import Permit, since they were being "imported" from another state. All in all, a relatively simple process. They do pick on the chickens some, and will run our cat off. However, they follow us everywhere, talking constantly and wanting to be with us all the time. As a side note, if you plan to sell, give away, trade Canadas, you must get a special permit from US Fish and Game as well.

Glad you said that. I wanted to get some more and I am also in New Mexico. Now I know what I will need. I raised three from a few days old when I lived in Texas years ago and I just loved them. I don't think there is a duck or goose I don't like except maybe the Muscovy, but I would not say I exactly dislike them. They are great if you need sitters.
Glad you said that. I wanted to get some more and I am also in New Mexico. Now I know what I will need. I raised three from a few days old when I lived in Texas years ago and I just loved them. I don't think there is a duck or goose I don't like except maybe the Muscovy, but I would not say I exactly dislike them. They are great if you need sitters.
I saw that, what's wrong with Scovy's RG?
Anyone have any idea why my new canada gosling would be biting and picking on my Toulose(sp?) goslings?
Geese just love to nibble on things it doesn't matter if it's alive, try giving them other things to nibble on a head of cabbage hanging inside the pen or brooder. or a head of lettuce . something to occupy their time and make sure what ever your keeping them in is large enough so they aren't cramped. and lots of outside time on nice sunny warm days, with supervision of course. Be sure to offer grit when feeding anything other than their starter feed.
If you have a piece of lawn grass that is free from dogs and such I would set up a "drop" pen (bottomless) on the lawn and let them graze in the daytime. They wont want to "nibble" each other anymore.

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