has anyone fed feeder fish to mandarin ducks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
has anyone fed live feeder fish to mandarin ducks i saw that many people feed them to their ducks in the ponds and i I'm sure the ducks would love it but i think its kinda cruel to the fish. has anyone done this before?
I offer feeder fish that i raise in a seperate pond (mosquito fish), and personally don't find it inhumane or cruel. I see it as a natural process between predator and prey. That being said, fish in a smaller enclosed pond that's full of hungry ducks, don't exactly have the chance of escaping as their wild counterparts. ..so I can understand your concern to a point. Regardless of misconceptions, fish DO feel pain, have a memory of more than two seconds, and can even have personalities...sounds nuts but raise some Clown Fish or Discus before you disagree.

So if the fish being a meal bothers you...

Insects are a great option If you want to offer your Mandarin Ducks livefood, and provide some healthy "natural enrichment". Although insects are living creatures, most people won't hesitate to squash one, and I personally don't believe the nervous system of a cricket is adequate enough to feel pain.

You can buy crickets and mealworms from chain pet stores or online. For crickets, I put them in a bag and place it in the freezer for maybe a minute...this just slows them down giving the ducks a chance to catch them before they escape the pen. They will warm up relatively quick and start jumping after a few minutes. The mealworms are plenty slow enough and can just be tossed in the pen or shallow water.

If you're set on feeding fish, there are ways to humanely dispatch them before feeding....but this takes away from the enrichment the ducks get from the chase.

A bit long winded, but I hope its of some help, haha!
One last comment. ...
I'd be cautious of buying feeder fish from a pet store...having worked in many, they are often heavily dosed with various types of medicine, most of which are toxic to some degree. I don't want my Ducks eating fish loaded with chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens...

Just my 4 cents
Don't do that! As the above poster says.. .feeder fish from a pet shop are often dosed up on chemicals.. and also may have internal parasites and diseases.

There is no need for you ducks to eat fish at all.. just by a good duck food.. and supplement with greens, pond weed, and natural foods. like insects, worms and pond life.. much of which you ducks will find and eat themselves if they are housed on a pond outside.
One last comment. ...
I'd be cautious of buying feeder fish from a pet store...having worked in many, they are often heavily dosed with various types of medicine, most of which are toxic to some degree. I don't want my Ducks eating fish loaded with chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens...

Just my 4 cents
I always get good advice on this site. Glad I stopped to check as I was on my way to the pet store to pick up feeder fish for my KCs. Thank you, DB
I feed my ducks and fish at the same time down at my pond. Try feeding your ducks a floating fish food pellet (its little brown balls that float). They are intended for fish but the ducks love them and they are high in protein along with other vitimins that ducks need.

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