Hatcheries that vaccinate for coccidiosis

In country on 2.5 acres but my coop only holds around 18-19 adults so what I meant was pushing the limits of capacity not what I can take care of. I already own 12 chickens so I don't want to buy chicks that I have to overcrowd in a coop before I can sell extras. Also I can't free range so they all are in a run. I don't struggle to care for them I just want them to have spacious living arrangements.
Oh, okay.

My birds don't free range either, but have 3 large coops. One of which will be getting an expansion soon.

Chicken math has hit me too, but working on a butcher list, so older birds, & culls are removed in the fall months. So, we're only keeping certain birds back for breeding/laying.

Struggling is just a word I use occasionally, to replace Keep Up With. I'm just a little weird that way :p .
Yes, that is an interesting comment. By giving clean pure organic non-GMO feed, to keep your chickens healthy, could be detrimental to their health? .... hmmmmm 🤔
That doesn't sound right, just sayin. With all of the poison & toxins they put in our air, food, water etc .... I think it's a must to feed your chickens organic foods both feed & fruits & vegetables etc... IMHO
If you've found that the organic feed doesn't have the appropriate percentage of what they need. Just make sure they get it in other food/supplement variations, No?
This ^^ My thoughts exactly about why Organic is a necessity.

Though to me I just means I have to do some label reading. Find an Organic feed that has the right percentages, or supplement. No biggie to me.
Oh, okay.

My birds don't free range either, but have 3 large coops. One of which will be getting an expansion soon.

Chicken math has hit me too, but working on a butcher list, so older birds, & culls are removed in the fall months. So, we're only keeping certain birds back for breeding/laying.

Struggling is just a word I use occasionally, to replace Keep Up With. I'm just a little weird that way :p .
Np I would love more birds but space is always a issue. I don't have the heart to cull so I just keep them till they are gone. If I hatch to many boy I sell though.... I just have to keep myself from getting attached lol 😆
Np I would love more birds but space is always a issue. I don't have the heart to cull so I just keep them till they are gone. If I hatch to many boy I sell though.... I just have to keep myself from getting attached lol 😆
I have my birds in away that's easy to butcher. It's knowing that they had a good happy life, with lots of healthy food, & space to roam, & the fact they'd be adding food to the table is their new purpose.

Certain birds I keep back, as pets, these ones live longer lives, & die naturally.

P.S: Most of my birds have names.

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