Hatchery stock breeds that go broody

Our original flock of Buff Orpingtons were a broody bunch. Two of them were very hard to break.

We eventually re-homed one because she would go broody so frequently and quit laying for months. She would eventually lay an egg or two, then go broody again.

Our Easter Eggers and Prairie Bluebell have never gone broody.
What hatchery did your Buff Orpingtons come from?
Buff Orpington from Hoover's/the TSC affiliate. I have had one pullet go broody twice, and she's raising 6 babies she hatched for me right now before her first birthday (May 19th roughly). She has a flockmate who has been faux broody for a month but won't commit to sitting, and six others who are as of yet uninterested. Not the best percentage of broodiness, but it happened early and I'm hopeful a few others may come around eventually.
Thanks for info.
I'll check Hoovers availability of Buff Orpingtons.

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