Hatching day candling


5 Years
May 21, 2018
San Andreas, CA
Hello :) So, I have this one egg due to hatch tomorrow. I've had pretty poor luck with my last few hatching attempts. My last two hatches, they pipped and hatched about two days early, with weird deformities (curl toe, small amount of unabsorbed yolk), bad hatch rates. I found out today that the three thermometers I was using were off by a few degrees, so I've been running an incubator somewhere around 102-103F.
This egg is due to hatch tomorrow (day 21), but the last two hatches, same temps, pipped early. I just candled it, and the beak is clearly visible opening and closing, in the clear part at the opposite end of the egg. Near the air sac is all filled in, black, but the pointy end is very see through, and I can see her beak. Is this normal? I've never candled the day before they were due to hatch. I was wondering if this chick still has more development left, and will it eventually turn towards the air sac?
Or am I looking at a chick that may drown, due to developing wrong and not turning? It's a hard question to ask, but I'm curious and wondering what to expect :/
Thanks ahead,
That close to hatch the chicks head should be testing the aircell to where you can see the beak prodding it in prepation to break into it pre hatch. You should not see anything near the pointy end, Good luck hope it turns out ok :/ maybe it's delayed due to off temps and will hatch fine! :)
Ok thank you :) I didn't think that was normal, wanted to check with eggsperts (experts) ...
Do the chicks inside turn themselves into position after a certain day, normally? Or do they develop in the correct position, head near air cell, but just wiggle around? I read somewhere that technically you could stop hand turning after day 14, because the chick inside will "turn itself" beyond that point of development. I've been locking down day 18, but my last two pipped the same day lol. This current one is confusing me :p:caf
Ok thank you :) I didn't think that was normal, wanted to check with eggsperts (experts) ...
Do the chicks inside turn themselves into position after a certain day, normally? Or do they develop in the correct position, head near air cell, but just wiggle around? I read somewhere that technically you could stop hand turning after day 14, because the chick inside will "turn itself" beyond that point of development. I've been locking down day 18, but my last two pipped the same day lol. This current one is confusing me :p:caf

Normally they'll develop and have their heads at the wide end. A chick turns in a circle in the egg to get into position to hatch and turns to zip the egg open. Just like human babies, sometimes they're breach...backwards.

I honestly don't know how this one will work out for you. I hope maybe @Texas Kiki or @WVduckchick will pop in and let you know about hatchability and any help you might need to give the chick. I've hatched a quail that pipped at the wrong end but I had to help it out because it was stuck. I used this information

The fat end of the egg has no air cell?

The dummy didn't get into the right position and there is not much you can do now to change that.
If you can see the beak that probably means it has already internally pipped.

You could get something thin to try to prop that side of the egg up ever so slightly to help prevent drowning but there shouldn't really be too much liquid in there to drown this late.

Can you get a candling picture of what you see in a dark closet?
A picture would definitely help, as I'm confused on where you see the beak.

The air cell should be in the fat end, the opposite pointy end should be all dark. Too much clear fluid in the pointy end usually means too high humidity throughout incubation, or the blood vessel network just didn't envelope that area well enough. These chicks can usually hatch, but they are usually very sticky/gooey, and they goo can harden like glue! So paying attention to the beak, nostrils, and eyes are of utmost importance, once it starts to hatch.

Has the air cell drawn down any?
These 2 pics were taken on consecutive days. The first one before drawdown, the second after drawdown, as the chick moved into hatching position. Internal pips usually happen a day or so after drawdown.
Notice how the air cell goes from regular shape to irregular shape.
I took a couple pics, but it might be too late.... maybe its sleeping? :fl there was no movement this time...
It has an air cell, but theres a very pointy shadow in the pointed end of the egg, and lots of fluid there. I saw the pointy shadow open and close, looked just like a beak.
The pics with arrows are pointing at the pointy shadow, and the pic without is the air cell/wide end.
Today is day 21 :confused: Does this look like a breach chick ? If she pips I'll let you guys know :fl
Thanks for the help!

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