Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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only one this time
yeah, and I was surprised after the last hatch from you...maybe the PO was harder on them this time.

Everyone please pray for OK City. Mile wide possible F5 tornado hit. Two elementary schools completely destroyed. Reporters are saying one had 75 kids and personnel still in the school that took refuge in the hallway, but the hallway has completely collapsed. Nothing is left but rubble.
are you under any watches caj? we have tornado and flash flood watch
It is a hideous, horrible, awful day for so many people. I feel kind of trivial posting pictures, but I took some this morning and I thought maybe chicken pics would cheer us up. This is my one goofy SFH from TNBearchick:

(no, it doesn't have brown patches -- it likes swimming in the fermented feed! No idea if it's a pullet or a roo)

And a couple of my lovelies from KYTinpusher -- they've gotten so big!

(love the goosestep!)

And my one little partridge silkie from WVstruttin:

Here's hoping everyone and their families and feathered babies are all safe and well. My turkeys are still pipped and I can see little beaks breathing,but no other change as of yet...
First one looks like a girlie to me, but that first one from Walli sure is a pretty boy!
It is a hideous, horrible, awful day for so many people. I feel kind of trivial posting pictures, but I took some this morning and I thought maybe chicken pics would cheer us up. This is my one goofy SFH from TNBearchick: (no, it doesn't have brown patches -- it likes swimming in the fermented feed! No idea if it's a pullet or a roo) And a couple of my lovelies from KYTinpusher -- they've gotten so big! (love the goosestep!) And my one little partridge silkie from WVstruttin: Here's hoping everyone and their families and feathered babies are all safe and well. My turkeys are still pipped and I can see little beaks breathing,but no other change as of yet...
TURKEY PIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TWO TURKEY PIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh God, now I'm all nervous...  My six-month quest for turkeys might actually succeed!!!


I got a pip! Well actually I have two ducks, a wellie, and a TURKEY! Yeah! Turkeys are the best! Next batch in three days. Man I love hatching turkeys.

More pips!!! Pips all around!

Everyone please pray for OK City.  Mile wide possible F5 tornado hit.  Two elementary schools completely destroyed.  Reporters are saying one had 75 kids and personnel still in the school that took refuge in the hallway, but the hallway has completely collapsed.  Nothing is left but rubble. 

How sad
Is there an "industry standard" or acceptable percentage of broken eggs received from shipping? I understand 50% hatch rate with shipped eggs are good, but what's the cut off for broken eggs? BTW, this has nothing to do with eggs purchased/swapped off this thread and BYC in general. I purchased 75+ quail eggs from eBay. Received 85, atleast 17 were broken. Haven't finished candling to see if any are cracked. So all the extras plus were broken. I'm leery of leaving negative feedback as 1: I don't know if this is an acceptable number of brokens, and 2: don't want seller to retaliate with negative feedback on myself even though I paid quickly, etc.
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