hatching geese eggs

she ia almost double her size already at 5 days old she has 2 new brooder mates. 2 trout runners i hatched last night. i sold the rest of my call ducklings today they are selling like hot cakes here. only had ad up on craigslist for an hour. will post some more pics in a bit.
awwwwwwwwwwww. I have a cat named Sushi that the ducks were eating when she was just a couple days old. I figure mama cat dropped her while moving babies through my yard. Never found any siblings..

Balbinka- tooooooo cute!!!
My last egg hatched today into a gorgeous ganderling (I just had a "feeling" it was a boy).

I gifted the baby to my friend who supplied the incubator.
I am so happy with my first hatching outcome!

critterranch, I am so glad to hear your baby is well and that you are finding good homes for your ducklings.
Good Luck Bookerdog
Hatching vibes sent your way.
are geese like turkeys? Do you have to show them how to eat? My little goose hatched yesterday afternoon and hasnt shown any interest in food or water. I wouldnt worry about it yet, but the yolk wasnt fully absorbed when she hatched. I'm not sure she got her full 2-3 days worth. I have grass bits, crumbles, and sugar water in there with her. I've tried dripping a bit of water into her mouth but she just shakes it out. This is my first time hatching geese so all I have to compare to is my little chicks that peck at anything and everything 5 minutes after they're born.
No, they are pretty curious and don't have any trouble finding food and water on their own. Since your's had a rough hatch you probably should give it some infant vitamins to give it a boost.

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