Hatching in Classrooms

We hit a bump yesterday. One of the kids is having issues keeping out of the incubator. He grabbed a couple eggs and not gently. So I'm coming back Monday to tape down the incubator. I don't want to take it away because of one kid but I will have to figure out something else. The other kids were very upset and some were even almost in tears because they thought I'd take the eggs home to hatch. I will build a box with a lock on it if I have to! Other than that the kids are doing great! They are very anxious for the babies to hatch.

Aww...unfortunately some kiddos are just to curious for their own good and can't keep their hands off the eggs. In my classroom, I have them on a counter area that is off to the side of our main classroom area so if there is a kiddo in that area, we catch them before they make it to the bator area. I also have 2 huge picture signs...one says "No Touching" and has a pair of hands with a red X on it on red paper. The other sign has "look" on green paper with eyes. This helps remind the kiddos to look and not touch and after they know the rules, they tend to police eachother...LOL! I have a structured time when kiddos go to observe the eggs so we can monitor them. I also explain baby chicks are growing in the eggs and we can't touch them or they won't grow. That usually is a huge motivator for not touching because they want chicks to come out
Hopefully the eggs are OK!!!
Aww...unfortunately some kiddos are just to curious for their own good and can't keep their hands off the eggs. In my classroom, I have them on a counter area that is off to the side of our main classroom area so if there is a kiddo in that area, we catch them before they make it to the bator area. I also have 2 huge picture signs...one says "No Touching" and has a pair of hands with a red X on it on red paper. The other sign has "look" on green paper with eyes. This helps remind the kiddos to look and not touch and after they know the rules, they tend to police eachother...LOL! I have a structured time when kiddos go to observe the eggs so we can monitor them. I also explain baby chicks are growing in the eggs and we can't touch them or they won't grow. That usually is a huge motivator for not touching because they want chicks to come out :)  Hopefully the eggs are OK!!! :fl

I like your signs... I might steal that!
The eggs should be fine. Momma hen would surely get up every now and then to stretch, and it won't kill them to cool off a little bit briefly. I candled mine every day, and still had a good hatch. I would mainly be worried about them dropping an egg or forgetting to return it to the bator.

If they do crack an egg you can simply super glue the cracks shut, if they aren't too bad.
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The eggs should be fine. Momma hen would surely get up every now and then to stretch, and it won't kill them to cool off a little bit briefly. I candled mine every day, and still had a good hatch. I would mainly be worried about them dropping an egg or forgetting to return it to the bator.

If they do crack an egg you can simply super glue the cracks shut, if they aren't too bad.

I think the problem is he shook them but I figure tape will either give him the hint or it'll take him longer to get in lol
Thank you and so hoping you have a great hatch.
Your farm sounds like ours and I so love helping kids learn the joys of raising poultry. I will be checking in to see how they do. I always stand behind my eggs even thru some mishaps as it sounds like you already have had will send more for just shipping. Hopefully though they didn't hurt any and you have a wonderful hatch.

Hugs and God Bless,
Thank you and so hoping you have a great hatch.
Your farm sounds like ours and I so love helping kids learn the joys of raising poultry. I will be checking in to see how they do. I always stand behind my eggs even thru some mishaps as it sounds like you already have had will send more for just shipping. Hopefully though they didn't hurt any and you have a wonderful hatch.

Hugs and God Bless,
That is very sweet of you! Thank you!

Candled the eggs today. A few of the Large Fowl eggs I didn't get to yet but the ones I did candle were good! The Rhodebar and Amber Whites still need candled. I candled all of the Cochin Bantams.

These were all clear.
Silver laced #19,Millie Fleurs #26, 28, 31, 32, 35

There is one that one of the kids damaged #24 the Self blue egg. It was growing but I think he shook it a bit much and he kind of tossed it back in. No biggie though! We are learning!
I was able to get in and candle Monday and all the eggs look great! Can't wait till they hatch next week! The entire school is super excited. There are several teachers using baby chick visits as a reward for good behavior lol

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