Hatching Q on mailed eggs - Ayam Cemani

LOL, let her know your not the only one. Love bantams the few I have are so sweet. My mom said when she hatched babies and only got one (some malfunction) it would follow her all around like she was it's sibling
LOL, let her know your not the only one. Love bantams the few I have are so sweet. My mom said when she hatched babies and only got one (some malfunction) it would follow her all around like she was it's sibling

I think we are his flock...he's already got us trained. Standing on top of his snowman..chirping til we come look or pick him up...
Now I'm confused...... Just float tested the last 2 eggs in the incubator that have not internal pipping, noise or rocking & rolling figuring the would have sink or floated high up (they had died or something). BUT they both floated as "viable eggs". Do I still keep them going in the incubator? I am now on day 24, the other hatched day 22 @ 4pm and 10pm and the other hatched with assistance today @ 4am.

I have no idea what you should do...and I completely feel your frustration. I found myself in that realm last night for the first time. It said if they floated 10% they were viable. I had no movement, chirps or anything. I decided to look at the air sac area and it stunk...must have died along the way.

I honestly hope you had better luck than I...especially with your investment in the Ayam Cemani eggs.

How are your other 3 chicks doing?
That's what I did this morning.....
One stopped development along the way I think body but lots of goo and fulk yolk sack.
The other was malpositioned feet where over the head :(


So I am wondering with any shipped eggs that have a saddle shape air sack should I go in and assist as soon as the first ones cone out or end of day 21 ?
That's what I did this morning.....
One stopped development along the way I think body but lots of goo and fulk yolk sack.
The other was malpositioned feet where over the head

So I am wondering with any shipped eggs that have a saddle shape air sack should I go in and assist as soon as the first ones cone out or end of day 21 ?

Awwee....those look like mine too... so sad. That's what I was wondering too... The loaded question..at what point do you assist? Especially, in shipped saddle shaped air cells...

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