Hatching Q on mailed eggs - Ayam Cemani

They say you can't feather sex them and it's hard to do but the one is acting very bold and one very snuggly so I am hoping the bold is a roo & snuggly is a pullet. As long as I get one of each sex I will be over the moon.
I was thinking that with the one that is standing straight up-that it might be a roo that is....lol

The 3 that did make it seem to be doing really well. I just can't say Thankyou enough to you all for your advice & support (knowing I wasn't alone & had a place to turn for advise) in helping these babies make it. Now on to the fub part.....picking names:D

They are all looking so great! Hope everything is going well for you! :)


The two that hatched out first are doing really well. unfortunately the third one that hatched it had be assisted hatch passed away on us. We took his body to the vet along with the two that are doing well. From the autopsy the vet said that his bowel was not properly formed and there's a lot of granular hard things in his abdomen along with un absorbed yoke. The reason why he passed something specific to him and no worries about the two that are left. They checked out clean bill of health. There growing quickly and almost don't fit in their "cleaning box" anymore for when I change their cage.

The two that hatched out first are doing really well. unfortunately the third one that hatched it had be assisted hatch passed away on us. We took his body to the vet along with the two that are doing well. From the autopsy the vet said that his bowel was not properly formed and there's a lot of granular hard things in his abdomen along with un absorbed yoke. The reason why he passed something specific to him and no worries about the two that are left. They checked out clean bill of health. There growing quickly and almost don't fit in their "cleaning box" anymore for when I change their cage.
Wow! Look how big they've gotten. My turken I assisted passed away too at a week and it was digestive bowel probs. He had sticky butt from day one and i couldn't get it to clear up. his abdomen/butt always looked puffy and black. Congrats! they look great.
OM~ They are so cute!!!! And growing so big!

I lost my chick too...on Monday. The one I assisted. I am so sad you both lost your chicks too!

So sad to hear about all the lost chicks.
I've had assisted ones make it and others that don't make it. A lot of it depends upon why they required assistance in the first place. If there is something wrong inside that caused them to be too weak to hatch then they probably won't make it, no matter how much you do for them.
OM~ They are so cute!!!! And growing so big!

I lost my chick too...on Monday. The one I assisted. I am so sad you both lost your chicks too!

Oh no. That is just way weird. Sorry to hear that.

So sad to hear about all the lost chicks.
I've had assisted ones make it and others that don't make it. A lot of it depends upon why they required assistance in the first place. If there is something wrong inside that caused them to be too weak to hatch then they probably won't make it, no matter how much you do for them.
I THOUGHT I was just looking at a matter of shrink wrapped, and she'd be fine. I'm thinking that there was more to it than that, or the stress of the situation caused more than I realized. She was my second assist. My first was just a matter of being malpositioned, and he/she is great, so circumstances does make a big difference. You can only try your hardest to give them a little extra help, what's to be will be. Sad thing is she was doing great, active, eating/drinking- I just couldn't couldn't get rid of the pasty butt and it got continously worse. She lasted a week.
Mine made it 9 days...It was pretty sad :( ( I think I killed him bc I had him on cedar chips and he ate a couple and impacted his gizzard. I missed the part about the cedar chips. )

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