Hatching Sebbies


15 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunny Southern Arizona
Hi folks, long time no talk
My sebbies have been laying for a month, and I decided to put some in the incubator. I have 4 developing very well, but I remember hearing all the horror stories about how to keep them alive. I have a Brinsea with a humidity pump, have it set to 99.7 and 55% humidity. They have been in there about 11 days now ( I set them either the 22nd or 23rd). When do they hatch, will I have to help, any any advice at all please!
I would raise your humidity to 65%. 55 is a bit low. I've hatched 4 and only had to help one because his head was stuck under his leg. You shouldn't have to help them hatch. They do a really good job of hatching on their own!

Good luck! Oh and all of mine have hatched at 29 days!


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