Have some early birds


8 Years
Jun 8, 2013
Somerset, Kentucky
I got home this morning from work & the early birds are making an appearance.



Mine go into lockdown tomorrow.
5 button eggs went into lockdown today. They're not mine! They're the roommate's. One of her hens went broody but quit after a three or four days, so we put the eggs that showed development into the incubator with my coturnix eggs. Of the six we put in, 5 show good development as of today.
Not a bad hatch considering I hadn't stored these eggs for hatching. We just had them on the counter in the "eat basket" and I got a wild hair to hatch some. Then my hen to roo ratio isn't at optimum for fertility. About 8:1 so the girls don't get roughed up. I set 40 and 24 hatched. 10 or 11 dud eggs. 2 hatched but died before they fluffed up. Couple didn't pip.
I can't wait 'till spring where I can do my first hatch!! So excited.... especially with all the chick pics!
Well the lil babies have been grown adults for a couple weeks now. They aren't all laying but its increasing steadily. What's interesting is one is laying a blueish egg. None of the parents laid anything like it.

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