Have you ever smelled your chickens?

I too must have sweet smelling chickens! I only clean the coop once each year in the spring. after I clean it out I wash the walls down with a Bleach solution and redo everything. I put pine shavings over the dirt floor of the coop and I add a few handfulls of dried grass clippings every time I mow. I also keep a bottle of febreeze inside the coop if I need it. (the Christmas Tree scent that comes out in the fall). The chicks have an 9x9 predator proof coop, and a daylot that is 50 X 25 feet.I clean the poop off of the board over the nests and I add it to my compost pile about once every other month or as needed. I use Diametaceous earth and boric acid powder under the straw in the nests and in the corners of the bottom of the coop. We never have mites or pesky bugs and it is organic!
The coop has 2 windows, and a door for ventilation. We built it from the roof of the old well house that was on our farm when we bought it. The other side of the coop is a shaded area that I keep straw, and a few handy tools in. I keep my feed inside the coop.
It is nice and dry and well ventilated with a fan. I live in NC and the summers here are soooo hot and humid.
It is not smelly at all, infact my neighbors remarked that they never smell my chickens! I cannot stand to go to a farm where the smells could gag a dog off of a gut wagon. I went to one a few weeks ago and I thought I was gonna die! I am glad other people take time to keep their birds sweet smelling too.
Way to go!

Hello, from Bunny in NC!
They smell like a clean bird to me, which is to say they don't stink or have an off sort of odor. They spend much time keeping themselves clean to their standards via dust baths and constant preening. I imagine if they DO start developing a smell it would be due to poor hygiene from overly wet conditions and unable to dust themselves properly.

My coop is not sparkly either, and although I do use a poop board on one roost, I use it more like a poop deflector than to keep my deep litter clean. The contents often get dumped to the litter floor. The coop does not smell either, and the only time there's any kind of noticeable odor is when there's a fresh cecal poo head level (Yum.
) which is easily dealt with by topping with dry litter.
I too love to snuggle and sniff Lulu. She smells fresh. Sometimes though, you can tell where she's been laying - I can smell the tomato leaves or herb scent if she has been laying in the shade under these plants in the garden.
Never smelt a stinky chicken.

Sheep smell good, too (IMO....and if not suffering with diarrhoea).

But my dog pongs and my goat leaves his 'delightful' odour wherever he rums his head.....now THAT takes some washing off.

But chickens....clean smelling.


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