Hawks getting my chickens

As many people have just mentioned killing or even relocating a bird of prey as great as a Hawk is not only Illegal but also you will be charged with Fines. A lot of them. However its a whole different story if you own a WILDLIFE permit which you have to fill out via forms and It has to be approved. Would a wildlife permit do good in this situation? No. Definitely not. There is no reason to shoot (Or Trap it like you said) or relocate the bird is there? Is it injured? No. Is it sick? Probably not. Does it have a broken wing? No! Then you have no right to do anything to this bird.

This bird could have a nest of youngsters around. You never know! Relocating it would be taken things you don't think your taking of it.

I understand your situation but honestly this bird is just surviving. Its doing what it does because that's all it knows what to do. My advise would to just cover your coop. Keep your chickens Secure and make do.

Please do not take this message the wrong way..I am giving you the facts and information which you seemingly need. I am a registered Wildlife Career and I dislike hearing what you want to do to this bird. If you are desperate call your local Wildlife Centre. They will be more than happy to help you out. But im sure half of their information will consist of what everyone else has said.

Good luck.

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My scarecrow works great, just move him around the yard and change his shirt every now and then and the hawks think it's me! Haven't lost a chicken or chick since he's been In charge. Some times he fools me after a couple beers!
They're right if it's a hawk it's illegal. I have several friends that do taxidermy and they are occasionally checked on for feathers etc. There are places you can go to get a permit, I'm not sure but there are several threads on BYC I read when I was trying to figure out what to do with the hawk issue. I had one land right outside my window after a chicken.
In my experience hawks don't like loud noises, in fact several deterant devices use loud noises. I have NOT shot any protected birds but you don't have to shoot them, just discourage them. I use a 12 gauge with blanks. If there is a hawk eyeing the chickens I don't shoot at the bird but a few shots in the air and they fly off. Even if I aimed at the hawk, WHICH I DO NOT at any reasonable distance it wouldn't hurt or even hit the hawk. I've tested the sound range and a hawk over 100 yards away will take note of a shot in the air.
That said I would question a hawk. You said you found poop where they might have been hiding. My chickens hide for 15 minutes. Hawks don't hunt at night (Owls do). They wouldn't have stayed out of the coop if it was a hawk. It may be you have several preds. Hawks also leave a pile of feathers at the kill site. A racoon or something may leave a trail as they chase the chicken down.
I just caught a racoon going in the coop with a live trap. I just stick in in the entrance at night.
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There is little you can do to deture a starving hawk. First you must make sure that your weak spot in your pen is fixed and check for any other weak spots. If there is a weak spot now that they've found a food source, they'll use it! The only known ways to prevent this further come in two ways; put up reflective surfaces around your coop and your backyard (if the hawk isn't starving, then he will pull out of an attack as he sees his reflection and thinks it's another hawk) or you need to stay with your chickens every time they go outside (though a hawk may still try). Both of these aren't garanteed solutions, the only ones that are, are as fallows:
1. Fix any opening that predators can get into your coop
2. Cover your chicken walk area and pen from above so that patrolling hawks can't easily spot that there is food there
3. If a hawk does attack, keep the birds inside the pen for at least a week so that the hawk doesn't see your backyard as more of a food source

I hope this helped! And please don't shoot, trap or kill Hawks in any way, this is illegal and unfaire economically. Almost 80% of all Hawks die in the first year because they can't hunt or fly with enough skill. Likewise, you may want to put food outside for any animals, don't do that, if Hawks find it, your backyard is now on the feeding list!
I'd keep them in the coop/run for now, and if your run isn't covered get some bird netting or even string rope back and forth and cross-cross over the run. A hawks wing span is pretty big so as long as they can't get through the ropes. As long as you are letting them out, you are feeding the hawk and he will continue to hang around. If he doesn't go away in a few days, I'd try a bottle rocket or a bb shot to the behind. It's illegal to kill a hawk, no one ever said anything about encouraging it to go away.

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