
Dagnabbit, I am currently in the process of criss-crossing with fishing line :( I am only zig-zagging, but my gaps are WAY smaller than 1.5 feet. More like 4 inches. I also have been tying neon orange plastic tape here and there to flutter. I would like to put bird netting across the top since the fence is not going to be able to hold something heavy, but it's out of season *sigh* I was hoping the 4" gaps would be small enough, but yours is not the first story I've read of hawks coming thru fishing line. Our local one already dove into the new run on day one when I was inside the house getting chicken food.
We're among the fishing-line people. We have high (9 foot) wooden privacy fences on 3 sides, a lower 6-foot fence on the 4th side. On that side my son put some strips of wood to extend the height of the fence. Then he criss-crossed our whole surburban backyard--maybe 1/5 of an acre--with fishing wire. It's above our heads and barely visible. It worked perfectly for 6 months (after one initial hawk attack). Then they figured out some vulnerable spots where it wasn't 'tight' enough....we had 4 hawk visitors to the back yard, one injured gal (but recovering nicely)....we've beefed up the security with more fishing line. It's a cheap fix if not that elegant. BE ALERT. Appreciate the patience and intelligence of the hawk. Stay one step ahead. I'm sure a rooster would be invaluable but we can't do that here in the City. Make sure you have plenty of places for hide in.
I have the fishing line too,but mine has lots of gaps and is weighted down by bushes along the fence line.Still it has provided some deterence in the open space.A determined predator will give anything a try when they are hungry enough.I do head counts daily and know eventually I will come up short.Red mylar ribbons on the fishing line are an added deterent,and they look pretty,lol.

If you have pest animals such as rabbits and squirrels try setting up an appealing area for them.They come and then the hawk can eat THEM.

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