Hello and help with my lovely broody hen - should she be a mommy?

Welcome from Indiana...
Back from a camping trip and the girls survived with my dad looking in on them. We were worried.

Great info from you all. My broody is top of the pecking order. I think if she says these are my babies then they will probably get along well with the others or learn to avoid them. My OEs are bantam and they've integrated well. Size not demeanor being the issue there since my roos will trot right up to the RIs and do their best to steal a treat. We'll be selling most of the OEs off by mid-summer. Could be a good time to try the more timid chicks then, Lorraine.

Thanks, B.Hromada. Shultz I spent several enjoyable years in the tri-state area. My coworker laughed when I showed up that winter in a wool coat. I soon learned the value of Thinsulate. Whew!

Thanks for the great welcome all.

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