Hello from Alberta!

Yes...a Canadiens fan in Alberta :) Although I must admit I am coming down with Orange Crush fever!

I don't have domestic ducks...but had a pair of mallards in my pond last year and this year there have been between 5 and 7 visiting it (mostly males).

Our workplace Canada geese (they've nested outside our window for 3+ years) should hatch around May 8th (at least 6 eggs in the nest) so lots of birds and hatchlings in my life right now :)
Awesome! Thought I was alone here. Stinks they got eliminated so early in the playoffs this year, to the Rangers of all teams... They were doing so well before.

Mallards are beautiful birds. Do you have any plans to acquire any ducks in the future?

ETA: I have a hockey thread here, if you're interested. Hard to find many into the sport, and the ones I have found can't see that the habs are the bestest

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Awesome! Thought I was alone here. Stinks they got eliminated so early in the playoffs this year, to the Rangers of all teams... They were doing so well before.

Mallards are beautiful birds. Do you have any plans to acquire any ducks in the future?

ETA: I have a hockey thread here, if you're interested. Hard to find many into the sport, and the ones I have found can't see that the habs are the bestest

Awesome! I've subscribed to the thread :)

We have specific limits of how many non-wild animals can be on your property here in our neck of the woods, so I'm not sure if I'd do ducks in the future or not (or add to the chicken flock...or convince hubby we need a cow
). I am certainly enjoying the part-time pond visitors while they're here. The newbies aren't quite sure what to think of my dog, but the ones I suspect are from last year aren't startled by him.

I think the dog understands the whole ducks and chickens are both birds thing...before the chicks arrived and I asked him where his baby chicks were, he would run to the pond
. Today was the first day I've let him peek in the room and he's quite amused!
Hi! I live in Alberta too!
Hey BYCforlife!

Has your spring weather been as bad as in my area? Everything is so wet and damp. I'm holding off on putting my coop up because every inch of ground is so saturated with water! The range roads around my place are giant mud pits right now with some of them being closed off. I was driving soooo slow on Thursday when I drove the chicks home from the store!!
Awesome! I've subscribed to the thread :)

We have specific limits of how many non-wild animals can be on your property here in our neck of the woods, so I'm not sure if I'd do ducks in the future or not (or add to the chicken flock...or convince hubby we need a cow
). I am certainly enjoying the part-time pond visitors while they're here. The newbies aren't quite sure what to think of my dog, but the ones I suspect are from last year aren't startled by him.

I think the dog understands the whole ducks and chickens are both birds thing...before the chicks arrived and I asked him where his baby chicks were, he would run to the pond
. Today was the first day I've let him peek in the room and he's quite amused!
Oh, that stinks. Edmonton area, or ?

I've got one WH duck, and love her to pieces... She's the lone survivor of a mink attack last December. They're remarkably different from chickens, despite seeming like they'd have the same personalities and body language.
Oh, that stinks. Edmonton area, or ?

I've got one WH duck, and love her to pieces... She's the lone survivor of a mink attack last December. They're remarkably different from chickens, despite seeming like they'd have the same personalities and body language.
Yep just west of Edmonton (I commute into Edmonton for work).

Oh the poor girl! We have quite a few hawks and eagles in the trees with all of the wet weather we've been having (watching the farmer's fields for all of the burrowing critters for snacks). So I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on the flock. I'd like to be able to have them go outside of their run when I'm home from work, but we'll see how the bird of prey situation is once the ground dries up!
Yep just west of Edmonton (I commute into Edmonton for work).

Oh the poor girl! We have quite a few hawks and eagles in the trees with all of the wet weather we've been having (watching the farmer's fields for all of the burrowing critters for snacks). So I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on the flock. I'd like to be able to have them go outside of their run when I'm home from work, but we'll see how the bird of prey situation is once the ground dries up!
Ground is icky right now, eh? This is my least favourite time of year. Hopefully they go back to catching mice, as chickens are quite funny to watch free ranging.

I have to build my duck a separate pen one of these weeks, I don't like her alone outside as she only has one leg, and that is a huge risk for hawks and such. She can't run like the chooks can.
Ground is icky right now, eh? This is my least favourite time of year. Hopefully they go back to catching mice, as chickens are quite funny to watch free ranging.

I have to build my duck a separate pen one of these weeks, I don't like her alone outside as she only has one leg, and that is a huge risk for hawks and such. She can't run like the chooks can.

This is our workplace goose "Lucy". We were worried she wasn't coming back this year, but she was just 3 weeks late arriving! This is a new location for her nest, but it seems to be a better location to hide from predators! Last year there was a nasty incident with another pair of geese who tried to steal her nest and claim her eggs as their own.

This is our workplace goose "Lucy". We were worried she wasn't coming back this year, but she was just 3 weeks late arriving! This is a new location for her nest, but it seems to be a better location to hide from predators! Last year there was a nasty incident with another pair of geese who tried to steal her nest and claim her eggs as their own.
That's adorable. I love the colours of them geese, so simple yet beautiful at the same time.
Hey BYCforlife!

Has your spring weather been as bad as in my area? Everything is so wet and damp. I'm holding off on putting my coop up because every inch of ground is so saturated with water! The range roads around my place are giant mud pits right now with some of them being closed off. I was driving soooo slow on Thursday when I drove the chicks home from the store!!

Yup, that's me! Our car is half brown and half white..lol :lol:

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