Hello from Alberta!


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2017
Rural Alberta
Hello from Alberta!

I'm excited to start the adventure(s) in the world of backyard chickens!

I was raised in the country by the ocean and spent a decade or so living in cities, and now I'm back in the country...this time in rural Alberta.

The fun should begin at the end of this month when I pick up my 1-day-old Heritage chicks. I'm starting out with 2 Rhode Island Reds (RIR) and 2 Plymouth Rocks.

Looking forward to sharing my adventure(s) and learning from BYC members along the way
Thank you for joining us at Backyard chickens. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we do. "Alberta," as in Canada, or elsewhere? I'm guessing you raise Dobermans. We have loads of dog people on BYC. I used to breed & show Cockers about a million years ago (it seems).
Thank-you so much for the warm welcomes! I didn't realize there was a Canada thread, and I will definitely join. Thanks for the tip.

I've noticed a lot of dog lovers/owners on here. Just one Doberman (for now) who is king of the castle. He's very lovable and laid back. He protected a brood of wild ducklings last Spring, so I'm hoping he enjoys the chickens, too!
We have a gal from Alberta that has a very interesting thread called "Jest another day in pair a dice." She has chickens, ducks, geese, swans, hair sheep, llama AND 2 Australian cattle dogs (from Australia) - Emmy & Lacy who appear often in photos. Can Dobermans actually survive the extreme weather of Alberta? I know I couldn't.
We have a gal from Alberta that has a very interesting thread called "Jest another day in pair a dice." She has chickens, ducks, geese, swans, hair sheep, llama AND 2 Australian cattle dogs (from Australia) - Emmy & Lacy who appear often in photos. Can Dobermans actually survive the extreme weather of Alberta? I know I couldn't.
This is a dog who LOVES snow, but is equally as happy when the snow has melted and he can roll around in the grass. It's been about 59F here this weekend and a lot of birds have returned for the Spring, so he spent most of his time outside rolling in the grass and watching the birds!

We actually have a pair of Canada Geese at my work who nest right outside my office window. We were worried they wouldn't be back this year, because Maintenance cleared the vegetation off of the roof and took their nest remnants with it. Almost 3 weeks late, they showed up on Thursday morning...so I may have chicken and goose updates! There were 6 goslings last year (4 eggs were laid on April Fool's Day and no one believed us) and 3 the year before. We're hoping they started rebuilding the nest over the weekend...guess I'll find out tomorrow!

PS I'm guessing you're somewhere warm, drumstick diva!
No Midwest and it gets really cold but, NOT Alberta COLD. The Cockers wouldn't go out in the snow until I shoveled a path. Dee Dee the most finicky one, would just about faint if she knew it was snowing or raining and she had to go out. Finally I made a cover over the runs +I am not a carpenter, it looked terrible and weighed a ton, but, they stayed dry.
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G’Day from down under dobermanacres

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out
Hello from Kansas, dobermanacres, and
! Happy you joined our community! As you've already received a ton of great advice and links, I'll just say best wishes and thanks for joining BYC! Oh, and enjoy your chickens!

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