Hello from Mexico City. Very high altitude +8,600ft!!

Alex Franco

7 Years
6 Years
Jun 5, 2017
Hi everyone, my name is Alex, I lilve in Mexico City where I incubate most of my eggs. I live at 2,600m above sea level (8,600ft) and have a free range chicken flock of around 100 birds. I keep Black Copper Marans, White Leghorns, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Black Ameraucana, regular and Silver Double Laced Barnevelders, Cream Legbars and a few other miscelaneous.
I use two incubators, both manufactured by Brinsea: Ova-Easy 190 and Zoologica 28. I've had terrible luck with both incubators and they are being shipped back as I write this. The first one couldn't keep the temperature steady and the second one is unreliable. Probably the thermostat stopped working and it cools to 73°F and then heats up to 125°F killing everything inside.
I check temperature with very accurate (0.1°C) thermometers and weigh eggs every 4th day to adjust humidity for a 12% egg weight loss.
Will start suplemental oxygen when I receive the replaced incubators to find out if that increases hatchability.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I posted this on your other thread too... I live at 7,000 ft in New Mexico. My biggest issues with hatching is the need for oxygen and correct humidity levels. Vents need to be wide open at all times, so forced air incubators only (no still air) and wet sponges inside the machine keep the humidity up. Candling is a must to determine if your humidity is allowing for the correct air cell development. It's best to use eggs laid at your elevation, birds at your elevation will have adapted to your environment of less oxygen and their eggs will have a better chance at developing and surviving.

Good luck with your hatches!

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