

In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
I have been lurking here for the past week trying to help out one of the chicks hatched in the elementary science classroom at my preK-12 school. Thank you to everyone who has posted about sprattle leg and hobbling with VetWrap! The dude (or dudette) is now walking just fine and can do one-legged stretches from both legs. Considering we started out barely able to walk and with a bleeding toe from flockmates, I am thrilled!!

I am new to chickens but old to birds... I have my PhD in ornithology with a focus on songbird behavior (look at my username and take a guess at the species 🤣). I also used to work with sandhill and whooping cranes, which are at least also precocial, so closer to chickens, but most of my experiece is with atricial birds (birds that are helpless/look like pink pencil erasers when they hatch and need to be fed by parents... no fluffing up and walking away for these nubbins).

Anyway, the little squeaker I helped with sprattle leg spent a day and a half at home with me its first weekend (late on day 2 post-hatch through early day 4) because all my vet-type supplies were at home. Then a couple days after returning it to his flock of chicks (all of whom are significantly bigger) it took about another day before it was getting picked on and pushed out from getting food and water. So, its back and living with me solo in my classroom. I have always wanted chickens so...

I am going to post to the breed/sex ID thread after this. Below is the squeaker hobbled at about day 3. Yes, those are mini Play-doh containers as food/water dishes... sometimes you have to improvise and sometimes it is with your 6-year-old's toys. 😅

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

@Chickadee_Chick Sandhill Cranes are amazing birds, lucky you to get to work with them! Very ancient species of bird. They migrate right over our house (you can hear them honking up in the skies) in the fall on their way to the Bosque Del Apache refuge to winter over, thousands stay until spring. I am totally fascinated with them. Not the best photo, probably the worst, 🤣 but last November we stopped by the Bosque to see the early arrivals....


Welcome to our community!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

@Chickadee_Chick Sandhill Cranes are amazing birds, lucky you to get to work with them! Very ancient species of bird. They migrate right over our house (you can hear them honking up in the skies) in the fall on their way to the Bosque Del Apache refuge to winter over, thousands stay until spring. I am totally fascinated with them. Not the best photo, probably the worst, 🤣 but last November we stopped by the Bosque to see the early arrivals....

View attachment 3819684

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Holy buckets that's a lot of them! We get a few here that hang out in the neighboring farmer's fields but I'm talking maybe a dozen. That's a crazy number of them! I'd need ear muffs!
Holy buckets that's a lot of them! We get a few here that hang out in the neighboring farmer's fields but I'm talking maybe a dozen. That's a crazy number of them! I'd need ear muffs!
Oh wow, cool they stop by your neighborhood! Yes, they are LOUD! 😅 This was early in the season yet,they say 17,000 to 20,000 winter over here at Bosque Del Apache each winter. I've been there at peak time and between them and the Snow Geese who also number in the many thousands, it's one huge LOUD honking bird fest!! 🤣

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