HELP 2 broody hens, hatching gone awry


10 Years
Oct 17, 2012
Two silkie hens and one rooster in the coop. Both hens have been sitting and today the eggs are hatching. Found two empty shells and no babies, hens ran outside as soon as I opened the door. One egg was partly hatched and peeping. I took the rooster out in case he was the problem
Hens went back to sit but kept pecking at partly hatched egg and left it out. It is 40F right now so I brought the egg in and had my son hold it close till I get the brooder and incubator set up. Still peeping and working it's way out. Watching the hens now to see what is happening and ready to move chicks or eggs to incubator or brooder if needed.

Any help appreciated, am I going about this right? Only ever had a good momma hen that hatched safely and raised them all.
Monitor closely. Sometimes hens co brooding just does not work out. Generally with silkies it is not a problem. I'm hoping that some predator is not taking the chicks. Good luck.
Monitor closely. Sometimes hens co brooding just does not work out. Generally with silkies it is not a problem. I'm hoping that some predator is not taking the chicks. Good luck.
Sounds good, my older son and I are taking turns watching. One hen is a first timer, the other has raised chicks before. I like to let nature take its course, hate to interfere and make a problem worse, but if it means saving a few chicks that would otherwise be killed...
We ended up putting baby in the incubator to dry off and encourage the other eggs to hatch. One more baby disappeared out there so inside they go!

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