Help!!! Agressive Roo...big Daddy...DREW BLOOD PIC. ON 3RD PAGE

Its a case by case basis.. I have 3 roosters and they know that I am alpha, they are very well behaved. My EE roo (Fred) I was afraid of him when I was reading all the stories here, but he is the sweetest thing.. never has any sort of aggression at all. Steve is a barn yard mutt rooster and he tried to pull the dominance card and i set him straight 3 - 4X and he understands that I am boss now. One thing he used to do when I was in the coop was climb to the top of the roost which is over my head and start crowing NON STOP... i just started knocking him off the roost and telling him a firm NO! he stopped. My Polish rooster is Kazooiee, never an aggressive bone.... I have a silkie that i highly suspect is a rooster.. and again no aggression .. so not all roosters need to go to freezer camp... and yes some need it.. but dont judge a chicken just because he crows... i have had some mean hens my EE hen (Ginger) she is as mean as they come
We had a beautiful roo, he was 6 years old, and never bothered anyone unless you crowded him. Our little 3 yr old granddaughter decided to throw him some feed while her Mother fed him. He hated her, and tried to flog her, something about her size I suspect.

Our solution, Granddaugher not in the pen anymore, and the big roo is gone. No worries no more.

Can't take any chances where a child is concerned. Be it chicken, dog, horse or mouse.

Dont be afraid to keep roosters, I have 3 roosters and have never had a problem. One of my roosters is quite large and impressive but never would he attack anyone.

Dont be afraid to keep roosters, I have 3 roosters and have never had a problem. One of my roosters is quite large and impressive but never would he attack anyone.

This is very true. I love my little Lucy (Ok, Lucifer, but I call him Lucy because that was his original name when we thought he was going to be a girl. Don't tell him Lucy is a girl's name though...
) very much. He's very good to his girls (after a couple of weeks of over zealous teenage time) and is great at alerting me to things going on. There are so many kind roosters out there needing homes, no one should bother with a mean one. The day Lucy thinks about going after me (Which at the moment I'm not expecting since his favorite past time is being on his back getting his belly rubbed.
What a big, bad rooster! ), will be the day he leaves.


Here he's trying to convince me to let him out so he can knock the neighbor's cat off the fence...
He always watches out for his girls, even though he's inside the run.
Oh yeah don't be afraid - Most roosters are not that mean. yOu of course can have no roosters and still get eggs but I really like having a rooster around.
Like everybody has said don't be scared. Just try a calm breed. Some breeds are more prone to aggression toward people. But every roo is different. A good cross would probably be the best way to go. I love my roos and sometimes they try me very seldom does it come to separation or the freezer.
Don't shy away from roos....We six roos. The one is huge ....he's a partridge rock. He used to chase everyone and flog them every chance he could get. After many gashes and scratches I'll have to say he is putty now. All it took was grabbing him, holding him, hugging him in front of his girls every chance we could get. Now he won't even give us a second thought. The other roos we have are banty's and cochins. We've never had a problem with any of them.
Yes, roos are great and I've never had a consistently mean one. Had a few that tried it on for size a couple of times but were schooled into docility. I've had more sweet roos than mean ones, by far! My current one is a PR and I wouldn't even know he was around as his crow is infrequent, muted and he keeps to his gorgeous self....walks a wide berth around us. His name is Tobias and he is a nice fellow.

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