peffer Karo light syrup not sugar water. If you don't have it on hand ask a neighbor, most people have it on a shelf and it keeps forever. Sugar water - as I said has it's hazards.

GIving sugar water diarrhea and pasting to a weak already chick would not be a kindness.
I've kept both weak quail and chicken chicks alive for over a week on mostly sugar water.
where can i get this karo syrup , i dont have any nabours , also the chick seems pretty active hes chirping and draging him self around but still one eye is a little closed then the other and one leg is always folded to the side under his stomach the other one is fine thats the one he uses to drag himself around, any advice???
it sounds to me like this chick may not make it, sometimes there are too mny problems and it is probably why it did not hatch on its own. You can try splinting the leg with a bandaid and give it extra support it may just be slow to develop and be fine in a few days or it may have to many issues and die. I am hoping it makes it but it sounds like you are really doing all you can.
Yes, it doesn't sound too good for this little fellow. So sorry.

Akane - great info and well explained!!
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It may not matter at this point unfortunately, but any drugstore or supermarket has Poly-Vi-Sol (it's baby vitamins) and Karo syrup, so wherever your parents shop at will have 'em, I *promise* (remember I live just down in Uxbridge, I know the area). Karo syrup may be called golden syrup or etc, I forget canadian brand names of it.

Best of luck,

I would mostly just worry about keeping it warm for the next 24hrs and see what happens. Sometimes they really come out of it. If it's active I'd be inclined to say it should survive but it may or may not have a leg problem that would require care or resulting in having to cull it. You can't tell at this point. You have to wait until it recovers from hatching and figures out what those legs are for anyway and then see if it can get them under itself.
ok , ive been looking at him and everything seems normal both legs move and look fine it just seems when he moves he lyes to one side and uses a leg to push him self around , i hope he comes out of it but i know its early to think this yet but what are the simplest pain free ways of culling ??? i dont think i could do anything to graphic:(

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