And fyi the outer membrane looks VERY dry from the pic! Get a pretty wet and warm (not hot) washcloth and lay egg on it and kind of LIGHTLY swaddle the egg when you aren't working on it. A moist membrane is key for helping without a lot of bleeds and for helping keep it moist when duckling is ready to work itself out of the final half of membrane (see Intervention thread for those details)
Please do not start opening the membrane up further, I see you already pipped it externally, stop there. It's not ready to hatch if it wasn't even externally pipped at the time of the crushing incident. And please do not go rolling the membrane down if it starts bleeding. When assisting, you need to stop when it bleeds. As long as it can breathe, it's fine, you do not need to open it any further yet. All that's going to do is let the internal membrane and the yolk dry out.
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That membrane is nice and white, that's not dried out at all... wet towels/paper towels/washcloths over eggs can chill them, better to aply a bit of ointment to keep the membrane pliable IF needed...

Just because the shell is compromised doesn't mean the membrane is... the membrane staying intact is what's improtant... ducklings and chicks "breathe" before they are ready to pip, that's not an indicator that it is ready to hatch... be patient and wait, you would be amazed what they can overcome and still hatch fine... had a broody do the same thing, and chick hatched just fine... just watch it for struggling/distress or getting stuck... intervening too soon can be more tragic than waiting...
If there is no break in the membrane, I definitely wouldn't be pulling more shell off and opening the membrane yet.

I'll go read the other thread also.
Hopefully we'll hear from rehabber soon

Well, apparently YOUR thread is where the update was done, so I'm glad the duckling is alive and seems to be doing fine at this point

By the way, I do agree with the majority of your philosophy, and am very much a hands-on hatcher when it is necessary. I was only concerned that you proceeded too quickly. But if you felt it was better to report and remove opposing comments from YOUR thread, my one and only post there apparently never happened.

Continued good luck with your assistance to rehabber.
Anyhoo, it all looks good and that's what all of us aim for-a live animal :)

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