HELP!!! d'Anver hen with really bloody egg hanging out

Sorry, I went to KC for a family reunion and didn't take my laptop. She has been inside since my last post, I have a towel over 75% of her cage so she has some ventilation but is still dark. She is in a low lit room. She has been drinking water, but I don't know how much she has been eating, it looks like at least a little bit. I just gave her scratch, because that is her favorite and I didn't know if too much protein would trigger egg laying. I'll get her on some protein and some vitamins (I think I have some allergen free multivitamins, would that be okay?).

She keeps getting poop stuck to her but and can't get it out quite right, but my dad was keeping her clean.

Do you think that she has much of a chance, or will she have much quality of life after this? If she is going to have to be stuck in a cage for the rest of her life I would rather have her put to sleep. I really don't want to, but if that is the what would make her happier, I'll be ready to.
I'm not sure about what's in your multivitamin, though. They don't need iron, in fact, too much can be an issue. I'd skip them if they contain iron.

It's hard to say about her chances for recovery. Some prolapse and go on to lay normally if the egg size returns to normal. She may prolapse again if the egg is too large, like happens with my banty Cochin when her egg is too round/large. If you can keep her inside in low light for a bit and do what you're doing for a few days, hopefully, she will be okay. You may be okay just getting her to eat whatever she'll eat, so that's fine giving her scratch for the time being, but it doesn't have calcium for her. If you have plain yogurt, you should crush up one Tums (not Rolaids, not the same) in it and let her eat that for a calcium boost.
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Well, upon a closer look it has 18 mg of iron per caplet. I was just going to try crushing it up and putting it in water and I would see if she would drink it. Do you think that is too much iron? I found some softgels that are iron free. Soybean oil is the first "inactive ingredient", I thought raw soybeans were a big no-no, but is oil okay?

Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!
No, don't give her milk. Not the same thing at all. Yogurt has beneficial bacteria and is processed differently than milk. Milk will only give her diarrhea, most likely. And it has to be plain yogurt, not flavored with sugar in it, just plain, active culture yogurt. It's just something in which to put the Tums, but that also has some calcium plus beneficial bacteria for her gut pH.
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I understand that they are not the same thing but milk does have calcium for her. I did some research and a little bit of milk (I don't even know if she's drinking it) is not going to give her diarrhea. It will give chickens diarrhea when given enough. Also, I just realized that the milk in our fridge is starting to turn which breaks down lactose so that they can tolerate it. I gave my chickens some milk before and they didn't seem to have any problems.

I know not to give her flavored yogurt either, or else I would have a long time ago.

Sorry, I don't have any Tums either. I gave her the vitamins mixed with her scratch and I think she ate a little.
She's still alive and doing as well as I could expect. She slept a lot today. She drank a lot of water too, and ate a little scratch. I got her to eat some apples from our orchard and some bread soaked in water. I'll see what happens over the next few days.

When I had a baby do this, I was told to treat her with preparation H, canadian version if I could get it. I'm not sure if that will help your case but i suspect it couldn't hurt. Just keep her calm and do the best you can.
When I had a baby do this, I was told to treat her with preparation H, canadian version if I could get it. I'm not sure if that will help your case but i suspect it couldn't hurt. Just keep her calm and do the best you can.

Did you find the canadian version (may I ask, why canadian?), and if so, where? I'll put it on the grocery list for tomorrow.

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